Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meditation Music for the Soul

My husband was watching one of the morning shows and said that they featured music from a CD created by a cloistered order of nuns.  With a quick web search, it seems they are the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles.  This order was founded in 1995 in Pennsylvania, but in 2006 they were invited to move to Kansas City/St. Joseph, Missouri.  Their priory in Bower, Missouri,is called, "Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus.  The best information that the church has is that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, spent her last years in Ephesus.

The nuns are relatively young -- in their 20s and 30s mostly.  They sing about three hours a day, and spend all other hours save one in silence.  They are permitted to sing to themselves, however. 

The audio recordings for their CDs were created within their chapel.  What they have recorded are chants, some of which were written by the saints themselves.  Each nun does what she can to further their work.  Some of them do the art work for the CD covers; some of them translate Latin; some of them work on musical arrangements.  They do whatever they can in all manner of selflessness.

Their first CD, Advent at Ephesus, climbed to the top of the classical music charts and remained there for a long time.  Their newest CD, just released within the last couple of months, is now at the top of the charts.  Its title is Angels and Saints of Ephesus.

While the hosts of the morning talk show listened, they began to relax and they actually wanted to continue listening to this very special music.  We are so want in this world of quiet, of peace, and of time to just let go and let the Lord into our hearts and minds. 

Only their leader, Mother Cecelia, knows about their huge success.  She said in a short video that she could certainly tell the women what has happened -- that they are famous -- but it wouldn't change anything at all. 

They have a website that is also worth looking up:  They put out a newsletter and from this it would seem that they grow things, they have laying hens, and they create vestments and altar clothes, among other religious clothing items.  It is a very busy group.

Because music draws me to the Lord so often, I went ahead and purchased both CDs.  After I've listened for a while, I'll let you know my impressions.  Meanwhile, you can hear some snippets of their work by checking online. 

Have a very blessed Tuesday!! 

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