Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Anna's Story - Part 29

Part 29


Anna spent New Year’s in bed.  She’d picked up a flu bug from someone at work who showed symptoms during the day and left, but the damage was already done.  She had been invited to the Liccis house, a regular party central, because their grown children were in town and they were celebrating.  She was sorry to miss the event, but she was so miserable, the night just slipped away and midnight was over and done.  During the night, the virus finally spent itself and she fell into a deep and glorious sleep – the nagging headache gone.  In the morning, other than feeling a little weak, she was much better.


She thought about all that had happened in her life in such a short time.  She thought about John and his wife and that the two of them had only been married about five years.  He had so much respect for his wife; Anna could tell.  Janet was doing her part to keep her sister’s memory alive for Katie.  Anna noticed that there was a large picture of Sherry on the piano and when they said grace before dinner, Janet had mentioned Sherry.  Anna could tell that it still pained John greatly.

Anna felt tainted in a sense, compared to Sherry.  She had been in a relationship with a man for years without benefit of marriage.  She had made so many mistakes and in the process, she had hurt her mother too.  She didn’t feel worthy of John and of his innocent and sweet little daughter.  The feelings of being undeserving ran deep, and she remembered that Fr. Jim had told her that she might need to return to Reconciliation again in order to forgive herself.  “Jesus,” Fr. Jim had said, “has already forgiven you.  But the work for you has just begun.”


Still feeling a little out of kilter, Anna put on the television and straightened up her room.  At least the bed would be made, she thought, and the place would start looking like it should.  She made herself some tea and toast and knew from the way she felt that her stomach wouldn’t rebel.  She figured she could return to work on Monday without a problem, and she was planning on going to Mass the next day as long as she continued to feel better.


The phone rang; it was around ten o’clock.  It was Mrs. Licci.


“Anna, are you doing all right?” she said.


“Oh, much better today!  I can’t believe the difference and the headache is gone,” Anna said.


“I am so glad.  You did miss one great party.  We were being so loud I was afraid the police were going to show up,” she said laughing.  “And John was asking about you.”


“Oh, I didn’t think he’d go to the party with Katie and all,” Anna said.


“He brought her and he let her stay up pretty late, but he left a little after ten when she started to fade.  She sure is a sweet little child,” Mrs. Licci said. 


“She is absolutely precious,” Anna said.


They chatted for a few more minutes and then hung up.  Anna got out a blanket and cozied up on the couch.  She brought the phone over in case it rang again.  It did.  She saw that it was Jeremy’s number and she ignored it.  Then the phone rang again and it was a telemarketer.  On New Year’s Day!


By the end of the day, Anna was tired of watching football, tired of sitting on the couch, and tired of being in her pajamas.  She went to bed early, in anticipation of going to church in the morning and feeling normal again.


Church was blissfully quiet when Anna arrived.  She sat in her usual spot and just contemplated life.  She thought about the center and fought away the fears of failure that she sometimes had.  A new job does that to people, Anna knew, but she just had to succeed at this one.  This job, she felt, was a gift from God.


After church, Anna headed for the parking lot and saw that John was again by her car. 

“Anna, how are you?  I was a little worried when you didn’t come to the Liccis’ party,” John said.


“I’m much better.  It was just a little worse than the 24-hour flu, that’s all.  It just knocks a person for a loop,” Anna said.  She looked over towards John’s car, but Katie’s little head wasn’t in it.


“Are you up for some coffee and donuts?” John said.


“Tea and donuts maybe,” Anna said.  “Where’s Katie?”


“She spent the night at Aunt Janet’s house and she just loves doing that.  She sleeps with Janet’s daughter in the ‘big’ bed and she gets to play with her Barbie dolls,” John said laughing.  “Janet thought I needed a little break.”


The tea tasted so good to Anna who looked a little pale and thin.  She ate one small donut and felt a little bit of energy coming back. 


Anna felt so comfortable with John, but sometimes she’d be thinking that if he really knew her, if he really knew what kind of person she had been, he wouldn’t be interested.  She might actually made Tonya sound good.


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