Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Angels - Part II

By the way, before I start today's posting, I've been meaning to tell you that the upstairs computer now works so that I can write in comfort and warmth at any time during the day or evening.  And by the way, it apparently fixed itself.  Really?  Thank you, God.

Angels --

Angels, says an online source called Catholic Online, are pure, intelligent spirits created by God to be ministers of His will.  The word ANGEL means "messenger" in both Greek and Hebrew.  One of the prophets named himself Malachi because "malak" means messenger in Hebrew and he considered himself to be a messenger of God as well.

Angels are often depicted in art as a human form, sometimes with wings.  It is believed that angels protect and guide us humans as part of what they do.  Angels are a spiritual form between us and God -- it says in the Bible that we were created "a little less than the angels." 

Angels sing, because we hear about the "choirs of angels." 

When Jesus was in the garden during the agony before his crucifixion, an angel comforted Him.  Should not the Lord send His angels to earth to comfort us as well?  The angels were the ones who rolled back the stone covering the tomb where Jesus was laid.  They must have considerable strength!!  We are reminded in one section of the Bible that we may entertain angels unawares, suggesting that angels can be here on earth with us in a variety of situations that may seem very ordinary.

Father Kevin said something very interesting in church this past Sunday.  He talked about coincidence and when coincidence isn't coincidence any longer, but rather a message for us from God.  He experienced this kind of thing when he was being called to the priesthood.  People making a comment to him, writing him a note, that kind of thing.

One day when I was leaving work, I crossed the street and was thinking at the time that my choice of shoes was the wrong one for the icy conditions on the sidewalk by the parking deck.  I was worried about falling.  A man dressed in a suit coming from the other direction and appearing as though he was heading off to class saw me and asked, "Do you need any help?"  I told him, "I think I'll be all right if I just take my time and go slow."  He responded to that, "I'll pray for you."  Isn't that strange but wonderful?  It hit me hard, because I KNEW (just like Father Kevin did) that this message wasn't just from the man; it was from God to tell me I was not alone.

Another time when I was walking to Children's Hospital from work to see Ella who was there because of her seizures, a woman wearing a head covering was coming the other way.  I stepped off to the side to allow her to pass across the narrow walkway first.  As she went by, she looked directly at me and told me that she would pray for me.  It touched me deeply.

Another time I was having the absolute worst day.  I can't remember what happened, but I was really in the dumps about something pertaining to one of my sons.  Instead of taking the elevator, I usually used the stairs in Leigh Hall where the College of Business offices were, and I was doing just that when I passed by a student.  I was still feeling really sad when he said out of the blue with no warning that I should have a good day.  And he said this with such hope and such confidence, despite the kind of impression I must have made.  Again, in my heart of hearts, I knew that this young man's encounter with me was no coincidence, that God was trying to tell me that He would dry my tears and that everything would be better.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and the person said something that you weren't expecting whatsoever?  Something perfect.  Something that seemed absolutely targeted to you!! 

One day a student came to my office to get into a summer class.  As I processed her request, she started telling me about her struggles and how much she liked summer classes because they were only five weeks long, versus the 15 weeks of the usual semester.  She said that at around the 10th week in the usual semester, she'd start to lose focus and concentration and her grades were affected by this.

As she continued to talk and I listened intently to everything she said, I got the most intense feeling about her.  The more she talked, the more she sounded as though ADD might be the problem.  I'm not a trained therapist or a doctor, and I wasn't sure if I should say something to her, but I was being prodded by God to tell her what I thought. 

She said, "Oh, my goodness.  It's so strange that you would mention that because my sister has been telling me that she thinks I should find out about ADD."  I told her to feel free to stop by and visit again and let me know how she did.

A couple of years later, a professor from Accountancy came to see me.  We were acquaintances but not what you call the best of friends.  She was bringing me some good news. 

"Did you talk to (let's call her Jean) Jean a while back?"  And I said that I did.

She told me with all seriousness, "Well, you should know that you are the reason that she graduated."

Wow.  Honestly, if that is the case, it was worth spending 23 years at The University of Akron to do just that one thing.  I'm so glad that I listened to God telling me to say something and not let her leave the room until I did.  For this woman, obtaining her degree was going to open doors and would impact the rest of her life. 

Don't forget about your guardian angel.  This is hardly a childhood gift but one that goes throughout our entire lives.  If we heed the warnings that God gives us through the angel or through messages he sends us through others, it will help us make better choices throughout our lives. 

If you know an angel story, feel free to share it.  No names necessary.

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