Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Timing is Everything

The kids in Perry Schools got an announcement at the very end of the day, sparing the school teachers and administrators from the resulting euphoria.  Thing is, they didn't think about the stalwart bus drivers who had to deal with the celebrating children after such an announcement.

So it was a frazzled ride for them as they wound their way around allotment streets and down main drags to get everyone home safe and sound.

The announcement was heralded because it was not only ONE day but TWO days of no school, due to the severe wind chills and additional snow falls.

This is one of those days when all a body ought to do is find a cozy chair, get out an afghan that is not too hot, not too cold, and make a big mug of hot chocolate.  Then just gaze out the window at Alaska and be happy you don't have to go out in it!!

In fact, our temperatures have beaten Alaska this year which is pretty amazing.  Although, they have certainly had their years of weather woes, so maybe they deserved a break. 

The two shows about Alaska on TV these days don't convince me even one little iota to think about a move there, or even a visit.  It is just too isolated and forboding for me.  Spellchecker says forboding isn't spelled right; who cares?  You know what I mean.

The roofers in the Boston area got more business at this time of year than they would have ever imagined.  They are getting up on the roofs to remove snow before the whole things collapse.  The Bostonians who escaped the winter for a warmer clime still have to worry about the homes they left behind.  Snowplow companies have gotten plenty of business and city/state workers have gotten overtime.

So in this kind of a winter, there are the winners and there are the losers.  The losers are the poor folks who fell in the snow and ice.  One of those people is a woman who goes to Curves and fell and broke her wrist and needed pins.  The emergency rooms have been inundated with fall victims with all sorts of breaks including hips which is a bad one!!  Hard recovery, rehab, pain.

Yesterday, I took the garbage can up the hill for today's pickup.  My husband was out doing some eye screening.  I started up the incline and lost footing right away, so I had to scooch both me and the can over to a more central area of the drive where it wasn't as slippery.  Then imitating Igor in Frankenstein, I dragged my back foot planted sideways and slid my front foot to get to the pavement underneath.  I didn't look ahead at how far I had to go, and just kept going, thinking about how funny I must have looked.  Made it!!  That was a good feeling because I almost quit down at the bottom area.  Apparently, my first attempt left suspicious marks in the snow because the first thing my husband said when he got in the door was, "Did you fall?"  Believe me, if I had fallen there would have been something far more than suspicious.  There would have been a LARGE scuffed up space left behind.

Well, that's about it.  It is good to know that no matter what gets thrown at us, we will get through this and have a wonderful spring to enjoy. 

Take it easy, friends.


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