Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Morning Prayer

Somewhere along the line I learned a simple morning prayer -- something a little kid would say.  But who is to say that it isn't relevant?

"Good morning, Dear Jesus, this day is for you.  I ask you to bless all I think, say and do."

Let's break it down.

  • Good morning.  Don't we say that often enough to co-workers, family, friends?  It is a pleasant way to greet someone and so why not extend that greeting to God?  Besides by saying good morning, we include God among our co-workers, family and friends -- like God is just a regular guy and familiar to us in that special way.  Like "Abba" which means "Daddy."
  • Dear Jesus.  Jesus is dear in every way.  Special.  Powerful.  Sits at God's right hand.  Came to earth and became one of us.  Understands us.  Ushers in the New Covenant between God and man.  And so we address him by the name that God gave Him.
  • This day is for you.  All of our days belong to God because he made us and each day is a gift to us.  But we acknowledge that we dedicate this day, today, to God.  That we acknowledge that without God, there would be no day today.  We are including God in our day -- and re-gifting the day back to God.  We are saying that this day is not to be lumped together with past days or future days, but that TODAY is for you.  And it is a new day, full of promise and hope.
  • I ask you to bless.  We are asking God to make holy this day, to sanctify this day.  We are pushing away the world and asking for a heavenly blessing.  We are also indicating to God that our effort is to do the right things on this day, to give glory to God on this day, and to further God's kingdom on earth on this day.
  • All I think, say and do.  In one day, we do a lot of thinking, a lot of saying, and a lot of doing.  So by asking for God's blessing, we express that we do not want to sin on this day.  We are saying that we want God's help, and we acknowledge that by requesting sanctification, we NEED God's help.
So this quick little prayer is much more powerful and complete a thought that one would at first believe.  And it ends up being something rather profound and important for adults, just as much as it would be for children.

Therefore, wherever life takes you today, maybe remember this little prayer and its meaning.

For when we boil all of the mystery of life down -- our lives are a gift and we were created in the image and likeness of God.  We carry a little bit of God with us.  And God carries a lot of us.

Keep cool today.  Keep the little ones cool too.

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