Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The "Before"

A blog post not too long ago focused on some crafty people who have made their lives so much more interesting with a hobby.  Keeping busy (not frantic) is a great way to ward off an aging mind and body.

The hub of the crafting is key to these efforts.  Most people have an area of the home where they ply their crafts, store their materials, and drift off into creativity.  Mine was a mess.  Embarrassing.  Unworkable.  I did what every former newspaper person would do -- I took a picture.  Why?  Because help was on the horizon in the form of my very talented husband.

The picture posted today is the "before."  We're not quite done, so the "after" will be in a few days or so.  How could anyone really enjoy a hobby in this disaster of a space?  I couldn't even stand it, and often moved my workspace to somewhere else in the house for a while, like the basement. 

The redecorated space features the same furniture.  The difference is the storage closet, furniture arrangement, new paint, new trim, shampooed carpet and new drapes.  Everything will have a place.  Stuff won't be dumped here or there.  And I did do some necessarily recycling of some of my stuff.  You have to get real when you do a project like this.  Some of my so-called art just didn't pass muster, so it went out in the trash.  Don't worry -- no one will miss it.

This project gives me a new sense of purpose in my crafting.  Years ago many of us participated in a Called and Gifted seminar at St. Raphael's.  We did an inventory of our charisms.  To my surprise, my scores were 15s in the three creative categories.  It helped me find direction in my pursuits after retirement -- writing, crafts/art, and music.

It's cold!  Have a great day, keep warm, and maybe think about your hobby or maybe start one.  Crocheting, for example.  Make blankets and give them to the Akron Pregnancy Center in Barberton.   

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