Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Funny Stories

The Akron Beacon Journal published a collection of stories from teachers based on actual classroom experiences.  They were really pretty good.

One teacher's story was that the class said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before the day started.  Her students were in the 7th grade.  One boy wasn't doing that.  He was talking to his neighbor.  He was warned and did it again, so he had to write the Pledge of Allegiance.

He wrote it very well until he got to the part, "One nation, under God."  His version was, "One Asian, under God."

The teacher was incredulous.  "You mean," she said, "that you have been saying the Pledge of Allegiance like this for seven years!"  The boy replied, "Well, yeah, and I did think it was a little bit odd."

My niece was one of those kids who slaughtered lyrics.  She could come up with the funniest darn things.  Her version of the Brady Bunch song was always good for a round of laughter (albeit you had to keep a straight face until she left the room). 

Of course, I shouldn't talk.  There's a little bit of my niece in me too.  ONLY a couple of years ago, it occurred to me that I had been saying the name of a very common sandwich wrong.  Really?  I mean, what on earth was I thinking?  The sandwich:  toasted cheese.  My pronunciation:  toast of cheese.

My sister and I really laughed about it.  Why did I finally figure it out?  I saw it printed in a restaurant menu somewhere.  But you try saying "toast of cheese" fairly fast and see if it doesn't sound almost right.  I got by.

We won't get into the adults who say "Valentime's Day," "pitcher (picture)," "liberry," or one of my favorites, "Swedish Day."  Maybe they'll figure it out one of these days.

We as God's creation and people surely aren't perfect, are we?  But one of the best gifts is our sense of humor so at least we can laugh at ourselves when we get it wrong.  And I'm not talking about sin here; that's not so funny.

Today should be another lovely day -- 73 and partly cloudy.  By the weekend, though, we will be back in the 50s.  So the dress for Mothers' Day is going to be much less summery, at least for me it will be.

Have a wonderful Thursday.  I pray that the three girls from Cleveland heal in body, mind, and spirit.  I pray that the monster that took them can't have the satisfaction of knowing that he left his mark on them.  And I pray that they will find their true purpose in this life.

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