Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Dentist

This morning I have to go to the dentist at 8:00 a.m., so I'll activate this posting that I'm actually writing at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday night.

A reminder to myself -- "Self, note not to make the next dental check-up appointment at 8:00 and instead go for a 9:00 a.m. slot!!"  I'm getting so lazy since I retired.  Getting up at 6:00 or 6:30 is like torture.  Part of it is that when you start getting older, you don't sleep as well anymore.  The least little thing, like the temperature being a little warmer or a new blanket or restless legs or the fan (whirring or humming or vibrating), and I wake up.  Getting back to sleep is never as easy, so that's why I tend to want to sleep later -- to make up for the two hours I missed during the night.

I hope you liked the Tuesday column written by my friend, Dolly.  There are just certain people in life that you feel comfortable with and Dolly is one of them.  I am thankful that she "found" me on our class's website and took the chance to write.  I remember being at work when I saw the message from her and it was one joyful day!!  We hadn't spoken in many, many years.  And now, there is much to talk about since we share many values and concerns, and of course, we both love to write.

Our Lenten quote for today is:

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.
Padre Pio

Have you heard of Padre Pio?  Padre Pio was a Capuchin priest who began his studies for the priesthood very early in life.  Also very young in life, he received the gift of the stigmata.  The word "stigmata" is the plural of stigma, a mark.  The young priest did not want the gift because he did not want attention drawn to himself.  And so for many years it disappeared but when it returned, it stayed for 50 years.  Padre Pio's reputation spread primarily because of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  He heard 50 confessions a day for many years at the priory.  What he was able to know about those who came to see him was remarkable.  His outlook on life was that we must pray, hope and not worry. 

Padre Pio also experienced ecstasies or times when he was in an altered state of consciousness, in communication with God and others.  The church had a hard time dealing with Padre Pio and for a time kept him away from some of his duties.  Suffering from ill health for most of his life, Padre Pio, born in Italy in 1887 to relatively poor people but people rich in their faith and prayer life, died on September 26, 1968.  He was declared a saint of the church in 2002.

Pope John Paul II went to see Padre Pio when he was a priest, and Padre Pio told him that he would rise to the highest post in the church one day. 

Like many other popular church figures, Padre Pio was the subject of derision and disbelief from many.  His many sufferings in life starting as a child certainly had an effect on him, but he said, rightly in my opinion, that suffering is inseparable from the love of God.  This quote is from Wikipedia, "Padre Pio believed the love of God is inseparable from suffering and that suffering all things for the sake of God is the way for the soul to reach God."

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