Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bad Hair Days

We need a little comic relief around here, I think.  So I'm going to share with you a little exasperation with my hair.

Yes, I am having lots of bad hair days!!  Got a perm some months back and it not only didn't take, it just made my hair that much more stubborn and unwieldy.  So there's that.  And then there is this argument I have to have with myself every time I shampoo -- what kind of stuff should I use to try and get this mess in order?  There's some foamy stuff that does something, but what I'm not sure.  There's some old waxy stuff that didn't do anything the last time.  There's some spray stuff that is supposed to be a volumizer, but what on earth am I volumizing? 

Hair that makes a person think of a certain individual that rides on a broom, that's what kind.

My homemade haircut a couple of months ago helped get rid of the fried ends, but not entirely.  The color of my hair looks lousy.  The hair on the right side of my head won't do anything that looks right at all.  If I look at it from the side with my trusty mirror I get nauseated.

Time to call the beautician, sure, but what can she possibly do?  Maybe just getting a good haircut would help me sort all of this out.

Because as any woman knows, so goes the hair, so goes the day.  And my ugly looking hair is messing up my summer days big time.  I just don't feel attractive.  Once in a while I'll catch a glimpse of myself as I'm cleaning the house and pass a mirror.  The result of these recent encounters is that  pretty soon I'm going to get out the darkest material I can find and start covering them!!  Or maybe I should just cover me.

Yep, it is just that bad.  Do you relate to this at all?  Because if you don't, then it's going to make me feel even worse than I already am.

I know it's minor and petty.  I know that in the long run, it doesn't matter one hoot.  But it BOTHERS me and that's the truth of it.  Do you think God thinks I'm a ditz? 

We always learned in Marriage Encounter that feelings are neither right nor wrong.  They just are.  And the feelings I am having are that my hair looks like ___ and I feel wretched.  So there -- I've said it.

Now that I've shared with you, maybe I'll feel a little better.  Maybe tomorrow I'll get on the phone and call Linda and make that dreaded appointment, get something done about this mess and get on with life!!  And my class reunion is coming, and I don't want to go looking like something the cat dragged in.

Take care, all of you.  Just so you know -- I don't think about holy things all the time.  My brain has its own sense of humor, you know, and I just go along for the ride sometimes.

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