Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Yes, it is Wednesday.  And yes, there was no new posting yesterday.  Because I forgot again.

A little too much on my plate lately, I guess.  We went to spend time with my sister on Sunday.  On Monday, I took my granddaughter over to her cousins' house for a nice swim and didn't get home until around 4:30 or so.  Tired from being out in the heat.  Then yesterday morning, I went over to get Ella ready for camp at 6:30 a.m.  It was still dark when I left the house!

After I came home on Monday afternoon, I started on a project for someone at The University of Akron.  This professor and his colleague wrote a book some years ago about the distribution trap.  This would be the situation that companies get into when they decide to sell their products at the big box stores.  It would sound like a wonderful way to make buckets of money, but it rarely works out that way.  There are some holdouts who have stayed with their original business plan -- one of them being STIHL (chain saws) -- and it has paid off for them.  They have a consistently great product and a distribution system that work s well for them.

The reason why my professor friend is doing this is because a publisher wants to come out with the second edition of the book.  He realized that he doesn't have any files for it, no computer-generated chapters to work from.  So I have to key in the entire book for the two of them and edit it as I go because there are a number of mistakes.  It's hard on the back, but yesterday I figured out how to set up my copy holder thingy and use that to prop up the book.  This is going to be much, much better.  Oh, and I had to figure out how to use the footnote feature in Word which for some amazing reason I never had to use before.

The brain is getting a workout, so maybe you can cut me a little slack about yesterday.

What else did I want to talk about?  Well, let's see . . . it's kind of like "Dear Diary," isn't it?

Ummmm on a serious note, did you happen to see the photographs of the people walking through the absolutely breathtaking field of sunflowers looking for bodies from the downed Malaysian jet?  It was such a contrast between the beauty and the sadness of it all.  More than 200 of those on the plane were Dutch citizens.  I just have to wonder why the pilot would want to take that route when several cargo planes had already been shot down in that area, and apparently other pilots have avoided the area in question.

One other story caught my attention a week ago.  A Vietnam vet's wheelchair broke in a Lowe's store near quitting time.  Several employees found a chair for the man and took his wheelchair apart, reassuring him that they wouldn't quit until it worked again.  They fixed it up on their own time and sent the man on his way.  The employees were praised by their boss; he was very proud of them and he should be.  This is called character!!  This is what our country has always been about.  It's what inspires me.

So I'm going to pray for these three guys -- and that veteran who did finally get a new wheelchair.

Take care, everyone.  Sorry about my lapse.

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