Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas to all of you! 

One little message that resonates with me today is about attitude.

Having a positive attitude affects virtually EVERYTHING around you.  Studies have shown that being more positive and hopeful is better for your health.  Families do better when there is positive thinking.  Children thrive on positive thinking.  And our society needs it desperately.

The joy of the Christmas season is that we are loved by God and that He showed that love by sending His beloved son to earth to be one of us and to die for our sins. 

It just seems to me that God wants me to reflect that love and show it to others.  One way is by trying to have a good attitude and to try and find good rather than seeking out things to complain about.

I made a mistake the other day coming home from my son's house.  I meant to return via Portage and then stop and get gas at BJs.  I didn't zig and ended up exactly where I didn't want to go.  Belden Village on Monday at around 1:45 p.m.

What a mess.  And in the middle of that the rescue squad needed to get down Dressler.  People were treating the oncoming ambulance the way that people used to cross the railroad tracks before a train came.  It was crazy.

When I got through the bottleneck, I was so thankful to be heading home.  Home where there is some peace and quiet and sanity. 

We are a little sad this year.  Our precious Ella came down with the flu and is contagious so she won't be able to come over tonight for Christmas Eve.  I talked to her on the phone yesterday and she didn't want to hang up.  She sang songs for me and talked, said hello to her cousin, and wished us Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  She has a great attitude almost all of the time.

I'm going to so miss her tonight!!  Because that's what the holidays are all about.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your blogger friend, Karen

I'll try and get back with you on Friday.

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