Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, December 5, 2014

Message for Us

In last night's Christmas program at SS Philip & James School, the little play and music included four students who were supposed to be working on art that depicted the first Christmas.  One of the children couldn't seem to get an idea going until the very last minute.

When he finally unveiled his painting, the other three children stared at it.  One said, "That looks like our school."  Another said, "There's Father Kevin."  And another said, "I think that's my sister."

It was really funny and cute.  Then the three quizzed the boy as to why he chose to paint his school and church rather than camels or a stable or stars or angels.  He said it was because the first Christmas is alive in his school, in every teacher, in every child, in Father Kevin.

A simple message; a profound truth. 

When someone dies, there is almost always a card or a message that says that the person didn't really die because he lives on in the hearts of those who loved him.

How about us and Jesus?  He should live in our hearts and occupy first place.

We are all guilty of trying to squeeze in some prayers, but there should be a time for prayer already carved into our lives.  Because of Jesus, we know that there is salvation, there is mercy, there is LOVE.

While people march and protest in different locations all over the United States, one minister had a different message.  He said that everyone needs to look in the mirror and see what they need to do to improve.  He said that blaming others, protesting, and all of that doesn't fix the problem when the problem IS within each person.  His video messages have gone viral and he's been a guest on a number of TV shows recently.  He said very simply that words of hate never come from God. 

People hunger for God in different ways, but our need for God is innate.  There is no substitute.  At this time of Christmas, keep alive the message that Christ's birth brought. 

Today was born a savior, Christ, the King.

I don't know about you, but a recording of the Halleluia Chorus would be appropriate right about now.

Breathe in a deep breath when you feel stressed and say something like, "Jesus, bring calm into my life.  Help me to remember what is important."

Have a wonderful Friday!!!

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