Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sinus Trouble

I was sidelined most of yesterday with a sinus problem.  While the basement wood burner is just the most wonderful thing, it does cause some problems here and there -- sinus problems can be one of them.  The heat is very drying and there is some smoke from when you open the door to add a log.  That adds up to sinus congestion sometimes, and so we have to give it a rest for a day or so.  PLUS, my sinuses were already messed up from the cold/flu I had last week.

My problem yesterday was a headache and my head felt weird because of what the whole thing was doing to be sense of equilibrium and then what that was doing to my stomach.

We're going to give it another try today with the help of some medicines.

So that's about all I've got today for you.  Sorry, I am such a DUD.

I will share a little story from my days at work at The University of Akron.  One day I had a splitter of a headache.  I felt horrible all over!!  While standing by the mailboxes at the front desk area, I was lamenting my problems and our graduate student from the Ukraine was asking me about my situation.

I told him I had a sinus headache and just wished that I could take a drill and make a tiny hole in the front of my head to drain the sinus pressure and congestion.

He got kind of quiet for a second and then said, "Oh, well, that's what we do in the Ukraine!"

Wow.  That got my attention.

Recently, I've heard ads on radio for balloon rhinoplasty.  Sounds kind of strange, doesn't it?  But what they do is open up sinus passes with the use of a surgical grade balloon which stretches out the sinus passageways that might have gotten smaller from years of sinus trouble and infection.

Apparently, it is supposed to work.

Also, on the stop smoking front, someone we know is going to have laser therapy for smoke cessation.  It is a little like the acupuncture they were doing some years ago but permanent.  Apparently, she knows someone who had it done and when she walked out of the clinic, she was a non-smoker and has remained as such.  If this seems to work, we will check into it for my husband.  The cost is around $225.00.

Thanks everyone.  Talk to you next week!!

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