Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Got to Hurry

The cat just threw up in the bedroom and I've got to get going because my friend down the street and I are walking at the mall today.


I was just trying to change my university password (they change every six months) and of course, the system is all plugged up with people who just started work at 8:00 a.m.  So I'll wait until all of the hullaballoo is over with and get it done then.

So -- hope you are doing well.  Hope you enjoyed the best laid plans story.

The driveway is still a sheet of ice at the end on top of the gravel.  I just hope that we can get it melted off soon.  I'd be willing to put some toxic cat litter up there and see what that does.  Then when about a half dozen stray cats show up, we'll know.

The washer and dryer came right on time and we are all set now.  I always had this feeling that I couldn't throw in a load because of the dryer making that terrible noise.  It's so nice to have that out of the way now.  The new pair fit in better and look very nice.  We had painted the mudroom a while back and put in some new cabinets that Eric made.  It really does look so much more "done."

So I'm on the way out now.  Got to get my clean-up supplies out and hope that the stain comes out first time.

Take care.  Talk to you tomorrow then.

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