Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Sense of Humor

An amazing amount of synergy can come from a small group of women.  Synergy is a secular word for the energy that is created by people in different settings.  Or at least that's my definition. 

I was part of a small group Catholic women's group some years back.  There was no agenda for our meetings, but we usually began with music.  Every member of the group had a chance to contribute to the conversations as the morning went along. 

When I am in a small group, what often happens is that I think of something funny.  I don't know why; that's just the way it is.  And I'd offer up my story for the group's pleasure.  Most of them seemed to truly enjoy the chance to loosen up and let go a little bit.  One person, not so much.  I think she felt that spiritual discussions should be entirely serious.  Maybe what can be wrong with spiritual discussions sometimes is that they are entirely serious.

We come with a sense of humor.  It's part of our makeup, and it's a delightful gift from our creator.  The laughing Jesus picture is a favorite of many, because Jesus is shown enjoying Himself, like he undoubtedly did many, many times with his apostles and with townsfolk wherever they went.  His little humorous jab about pointing out the faults of others once you remove the "log" from yours is actually funny.  It could have been written, "splinter," but that wouldn't have drawn as much attention to this important story.  Told with humor, it had more impact.  It related to the people more.

The other day I met a woman for the first time.  She is a good story teller, and a fine Christian lady.  She told about how her husband became the music director for their church, and most of the story was splattered with humor.  She not only kept our attention with the use of humor; she drew us in and made it a deep spiritual moment as well.  The crux of the humor was that her husband's musical experiences were at karaoke bars.  I loved her story!!  More importantly, I will remember it.

We kind of go along in life sometimes like pressure cookers.  There is stress and concern; there are hard times and sad times.  The relief valve at the top is our sense of humor. 

When I was working at the University, we'd go through this short period of time each semester when students needed to see an advisor about their schedules.  The advisors were on the 4th floor of the building and there was one slow elevator.  Soon there were students everywhere in the lobby waiting for their turn and growing very disgruntled.  One of the faculty members went to the library and got out some Saturday Night Live tapes.  You know, the old ones with John Belushi and Gilda Radner.  He took our TV/VCR downstairs and set it up. 

Amazing.  The students relaxed; they laughed.  In many cases, I think they actually hated to leave to go upstairs.  Sometimes after they came back down, they headed back to the TV again. 

A sense of humor.  Thank you, God, for this great gift.

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