Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's a Wrap

This will be an olio of different topics today, because it's Saturday and I'm wrapping up another week and my mind is a web of thoughts.

The first topic: University of Akron Basketball.  Yesterday morning after posting the latest blog, I learned that the starting point guard for UA had been arrested Thursday for possession and sale of marijuana -- five pounds of it.   UA played Kent last night in a match that is always highly contested.  UA was poised to win the MAC tournament and many had the team picked to make it to the NCAA tournament this year.  Now this.  The second string point guard is Carmelo Betancourt.  And I was really cheering for him, as well as the fine team that Keith Dambrot has assembled.  As for Alex -- what a total waste!!  And he should have known better and had more respect for his own skill and for his teammates.  His undoing was almost predictable -- of late it would seem to me that he had become rather full of himself.  Oh, and Kent won 68-64.  I wonder if Alex thinks the money he made was worth it now.

The second topic:  crafting.  Another trip to Joanne's this week and I was looking for something as usual.  The store is large and sometimes I wish there were a map.  At any rate, in one of the aisles I encountered a husband/wife team.  My first inclination was to figure the husband was a tag-along for his wife's crafting.  Soon, however, as their discussion went on for a bit, it was clear that he was the crafter and that he was looking for something.  Okay -- here comes the punch line.  They were in the embroidery aisle.  And don't send me an email saying that the best embroiderers in the world are men, because I don't buy it.

The third and final topic:  Thanks for your readership.  Do me a little favor if you can.  Pass along the blog site to anyone who might want to read it.  Sell it to them as a pick-em-up at the start of the day kind of thing.  Remember the handy little way to find it, photos and all:  I'm thinking of adding some advertising to the blog and probably need some more readership.  That would be my guess anyhow.

Well, I fibbed.  There is one more topic.  The craft room, in case you are wondering, is almost done.  Final photos will be taken this week and I'm certain to have them for you next week.  It is turning out nicely.  I have lots of storage and display space too.  It makes doing a project so much more fun and clean up is so much easier!! 

Take care, fine folks.  See you on Tuesday morning.  Enjoy the warm weather this weekend.


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