Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blank Page

Today the white of the page in front of me is like the white of the snow in the driveway.  So here we go.  Let's fill it.

We watched "ET" last evening with my granddaughter.  On a broader level, ET might be seen as a movie that shows how children can accept strangers, creatures far different than we are, and find ways to communicate and appreciate them -- even offer them love. 

The amazing thing about the movie is that somehow the viewer begins to care about this alien being and wants him to survive, to return to his home. 

This morning, the big discussion on one of the talk shows is whether or not 12-year-olds should work or not.  My own feeling is no.  They are too young to work, but they are definitely not too young for chores around the house and for volunteering or helping neighbors.  Like our posting yesterday about the void within us that looks to be filled, kids will find something to do.  Better they should be engaged in something with purpose, making them feel useful and needed.

When ET showed up at Eliot's house, mostly because Eliot coaxed the creature there with M & Ms, the three children suddenly had a goal, a purpose.  They rallied together, put aside their differences with one another, and worked toward that goal with great effort.  This kind of response is common at schools who have some kind of service project going.  The children just blossom in these situations.  Children want to be involved in something bigger than themselves.  Don't we all?

They just need a little guidance.  A little inspiration.  A little organization.

Children who grow up in a loving home, where that love is shared outwardly with others feel that sense of purpose at a younger age and grow up knowing that they can make a difference. 

"We are many parts; we are all one body," is a hymn that we have been singing for years in the church.  "And the gifts we have, we are given to share."

And then, "May the Spirit of love, make us one indeed.  One, the love that we share.  One, our hope in despair.  One, the cross that we bear." 

Isn't that just beautiful?  So all of our gifts are given to us so that we might use them for God's purpose. 

No day can be so gray that a smile or a gesture of friendship can't brighten it.  Let our lights shine. 

Prayers for the people in the Avon area who have a water shortage, and to the people who still do not have natural gas.  Prayers for the people who are dealing with burst water pipes and flooded floors. 

Blackie, the cat, survived the storm and is in her house right now.  The heating element in the bottom of the cat bed has made her much warmer and she is content.  She got warm water and wet and dry food this morning.  The only thing she missed was some coffee!!

Take care.

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