Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


There sure have been less cars out on the road the last few days since school has been called off.  Monday when it was absolutely dreadful out there and dark, only about half of the number of drivers on Portage Street were out and I appreciated that.

Today is "go to the doctor" day so I'll be brief.  It's just a regular checkup but because of the bad weather a couple of weeks ago, I had to postpone it until today.  Never mind it's below zero.  I'm going!! 

It looks like Blackie the cat has managed to survive another cold spell.  She ate a whole can of cat food last night and that shows she is making it.  She is avoiding the nice cat bed outside and that makes me very suspicious.  I think maybe another cat sprayed it so I'll need to wash everything.  Tomorrow is a good day to tackle that with the temperatures going up. I can have it washed and put back together in a few hours, and since she isn't using it right now, that will work out fine. 

All this reminds me of old adage about not bothering the things that belong to others.  Kindergarten stuff really.  A few months ago my husband was doing eye checks at one of the schools.  They were in a room that had some packets on the desks.  The school nurse was hurriedly moving the packets to another location and commented that the particular grade that they were checking would steal anything.  Hmmm.  It sounds like at least a few of the class steal.  Which ones?  Isn't that always the case?  There are some bad apples but the bad apples never get discovered.

A mother can be grateful if their child is discovered stealing something at an early age.  The earlier, the better.  Because if caught early, the behavior can be curbed more easily. 

Well, I'm going to let you go.  But I've been thinking a lot about heaven lately.  We went to the calling hours for Janet Harbaugh.  She was the wife of Dick Harbaugh, the Mayor of Canal Fulton.  She was a true believer and a woman of faith, an active participant in her church, a wonderful mother and grandmother.  And now she is experiencing heaven!!  Isn't that joyous?

One of the poems I got from my children's lit teacher was about her daughter.  The nugget of it was that she hoped there wouldn't be an after life.  I was surprised to see that because at other times she mentions God and seems to have faith.  It's hard to figure as to why she feels that way, so I decided to  send her a thank you for the booklet along with a letter explaining why I believe in heaven. 

The very popular chief of the Brimfield Police Department was one of the students in a class I took at Akron, "Juvenile Justice Process."  David Oliver is a bright, engaging fellow and one of those unforgettable characters.  Once the teacher asked us about having character/ethics or something to that effect.  David Oliver didn't hesitate and said, "It's what you do when no one is looking."  He's popular from his blog about life in Brimfield, another small town, and from a response to Kanye West's recent diatribe that went viral.

Well, folks, time to go and beautify myself for the doctor's office.  I haven't had many opportunities to be around anyone else the last few days, so this is kind of a social outing.  Hah!!  Wow, my life is exciting!

It's going to warm up today!!!  All the way to 24 I think.

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