Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wintry Thursday

The driveway is pretty much covered with a fine misty snow this morning, so that means we're stuck down here in the "holler."  A good day for doing some straightening, cleaning, and cleaning out.  And a good day for blogging.

Blackie, the feral cat that we've been feeding for about two years, has found herself a new home.  It's been so cold lately and we know that she bunkers down somewhere near the house so I made her a cardboard home with an old towel on the bottom to keep her paws warm and a couple of my favorite old sweaters to nestle in.

She ignored it for about three days but this morning she's in the house and quite happy about it.  Her paws have to be happy too.  Life for a feral cat is not very long.  Without shots, they most often succumb to feline leukemia or a virus, or they get into a fight with another cat or animal and get injured (and can't hunt).  We'd love to help Blackie but she is really wild and won't let anyone get near her.  So we do what we can.

Blackie is an innocent, a sad little cat that's just trying to get by.  She doesn't trust us but she needs us.

Sometimes in helping others less fortunate WE are helped more than they are.  The poor have much to teach us.  A professor from The University of Akron once told me that the oft repeated verse in the Bible that says, "The poor will always be with you," should actually be translated, "You will always be among the poor."  Interesting. 

People who visit other countries and encounter the so-called poor are always struck by the joy and constant smiles of the people.  They come back realizing that we need very little to find the wonderful gift God gives us -- JOY.  One woman is trying to help by paying for tuition, uniforms and such for children in another part of the world.  The orphans she assists would have absolutely no other access to schooling or a better life without this support. 

Each day when we wake up and have another glorious day to do the work of God, think of this -- imagine looking down on the ground and finding a small stone.  Smooth from first the river that ran over it and then from the hands that have held it.  Imagine picking up the stone and knowing that within it was the JOY that would last that whole day.  Imagine carrying that stone with you wherever you go and letting others hold it for a moment to share the joy with you. 

So each morning, let us start the day with a prayer thanking God for another day and then start the day's journey by glancing down on the floor and looking for that imaginary smooth stone -- your gift -- and start smiling!!

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