Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's a Brand New Day

Last Sunday we got quite the surprise.  Two young men from church have volunteered to join our guitar group after an appeal for a little help was made the previous Sunday.  Honestly, I didn't expect much to happen.  But this time, somehow the two were called for this ministry.

Today we are having a practice with them to get ready for Sunday -- their first Mass with the group.  It should bring the number of guitars to five -- four acoustic guitars and one plugged-in bass.  The neat thing is that we know these guys.  Or I do.  One graduated with my oldest son and one graduated with my younger son and was in my CCD class.

One of them said he'd been wrestling with the idea of joining for years but just couldn't summon up the courage to walk up the stairs and state his intent.  Plus, he confided, he wanted to be sure that he could make the time commitment.  I think that was very noble, because it is definitely a commitment.

When I joined about 20 years ago, it came rather out of the blue.  One of the members talked to me and mentioned that they needed a guitar; she recalled that I played.  So a hasty practice was arranged for Saturday and there were only two people there -- me and Ann.  It went well.  Our styles meshed together without much trouble.  Sunday it was just the two of us on guitar.  Yikes!  I was terrified.  My hands and feet were so sweaty and cold!!  And I felt very self-conscious about the guitar that I was using.  It was not the best quality and I had no case at that point. 

By the next week, I'd made a trip to the guitar store in Akron and purchased a new one.  That was my way of saying, "I'm on board with this."  It was a great decision.  Not only is playing guitar and singing at Mass a wonderful way of being involved, the people who are part of the group have become the most wonderful friends a person could have.  I am so blessed.

My guitar is still not the most expensive by any stretch -- but rather amazingly, it does have a pretty good sound to it.  The bass notes are particularly nice, I think. 

You know how you can tell that what you are doing is God's will for your life?  Well, I know one thing for sure.  I write which involves my hands of course -- keyboarding.  I do art and that involves my hands extensively.  And I play guitar so that goes without saying.  AND I crochet which is all about the hands once again.  And after doing all of this for years and years -- God has been so good as to spare me from carpal tunnel syndrome. 

I read a quick little book at holy hour yesterday.  The gist of it was that you need to simplify your life and look at every single thing you do.  Are you doing it for yourself?  Or are you doing it for God?  The books suggests that you need to weed out that which is not for God.  The book suggests that we need to have quiet in our lives, time to reflect and pray.  The book says that stress is caused because we are trying to do too much and what we are trying to do isn't in God's will. 

The book talked about how important it is to eat together and to make meals simple affairs.  And talk and share during meals!!

It makes sense, doesn't it? 

Another beautiful day is in the forecast.  We are so fortunate and blessed to have this nice weather.  Enjoy, my friends.  Don't forget to buy some apples.

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