Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Neighbors

Yesterday, we were at my son's house because his hot water tank went bad AGAIN.  Thank goodness it was still under warranty.

So the three grandchildren were together because my other son came over to help lug the tank out and get the new one in!!  And the three had some company.  In just the last year, their cul-de-sac went from two children (Ella and Drew) to 11 children within a fairly close age range.  There are bicycles all over the place and every kind of plastic contraption imaginable.  There are balls laying in yards, shoes here and there, and the wonderful sounds of children at play.

The newest addition is the next door neighbor.  The story is heartwarming.

When this couple was looking for a house, they'd already been to a few places and either the house wasn't right or it had already been sold.  They had come from Colorado for this house hunting and time was running out on them.  They came to look at the house next to my son's house and this is what happened according to one of the new owners, Molly.

She said they drove up, looked around inside and when they came out suddenly there were kids all over the place, more or less swarming the car.  They were asking questions and answering questions.  Her husband sensing something of importance said that they could buy the house.  Molly said that by this time she couldn't even remember what the inside looked like, but she agreed.  Then my son and daughter-in-law came out and they made them feel welcome as well.  It was a done deal.

Molly and Shane added three little ones to the cul-de-sac including another six-year-old boy much to Drew's delight.  Molly said that the kids couldn't go outside to play very well at their other house which was located on a busy street.  Cul-de-sac living is wonderful, she said, and she is enjoying every minute of it.  Even the two-year-old is relatively safe and anyhow, you should see the arms on this little kid!!  She is tough.

Then Molly shared with me a little about her life.  She grew up in a small town and lived on a dairy farm.  It was so rural that they only had CCD classes once a month.  She likes things simple and was stunned that people plant things in the mulch.  She warned me that the next time I come by the front of the house might be more simplified.  She pointed to some bushes in the front.  Her large pots on the front porch were moved from Colorado; her husband had to rent another small UHaul for the pots.

One of the children came over and asked if they could have ice cream, and pretty soon her children were lugging two huge buckets of ice cream out front.  Then bowls and huge spoons.  And napkins.  We had an impromptu party on the concrete in front of their house.  Molly's middle child, Boston, was the one who said it felt like a party.  So we sang happy birthday to a couple of the kids, the ones whose birthdays were coming up.  There was delight and happiness in the eyes of the children.

Molly said that they will be registering their oldest for CCD soon.  She said that they are devout Catholics.

She also mentioned that the dairy farm where she grew up is going robotic, the first one in Nebraska.  Her mother ships her fresh butter and cheese, and meats as well.  She said that once you have fresh dairy butter and cheese, you can't go back.

So -- my son and his wife and the two children have great new neighbors!  I'm so happy for them and pray that Molly and Shane like Plain Township!!

Have a very good day, and I'm glad to be back with you.


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