Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Suggestions

We were conversing last week (at least there was a one-way thing going) about what else I should be doing with this blog.  I don't want to bore you and I would like even more readers to visit the site.  Let's consider what options I might have here:

1.  Write a series of articles about one theme that might have some universal appeal out there.

2.  Share with you a work of fiction that I've started and have about 12,000 words written.

3.  Ditch the blog for a while.

I could do a series about the great places to visit within a short drive from home.  Kind of like Neil Zurcher's one-tank trips.  That bit was always interesting. 

Hartville Hardware, Collectibles and Marketplace
Kidron, Ohio including Lehman's Hardware Store and the quilt shop
The McKinley Museum and Memorial
Massillon Museum
Crocker Park, Westlake, Ohio
Grove City Shops
Canton Art Museum
Arts in Stark
First Ladies Museum
Interesting shops in our area, including those in Canal Fulton

It would be a start.  I could try to write one story a week about these places and then fill in the rest of the week with something inspirational or humorous.  We could all use a little humor right about now.

Well, I do have a major announcement.  The cranberry/popcorn garlands that I started working on after last Christmas are DONE.  I have 12 of them.  Plus several others with cranberry colored wooden beads only.  They were actually a lot of fun, but tedious at times.

Another observation.  I've been trying very hard to say a decade of the Rosary at night before bed.  That means the Creek, an Our Father, ten Hail Marys, a Glory Be, and one other one.  I can get through the first two, but once I reach the Hail Marys, it is amazing how fast I fall asleep.  Or else I start having these strange dreams that I'm forgetting to say part of the prayer and then it becomes frustrating and I finally awaken to say to myself, "Stop it!  There isn't anything else to the prayer.  Just say them!" 

Doesn't sound all that holy, does it?  Well, "somebody" must not want us to say Hail Marys because this prayer is like the strongest sleeping pill EVER.  I have to really work at staying with it long enough to finish.  So remember the power of prayer in your life and in the lives of others.  Unselfishly offer prayers all day long for people, known or not known to you. 

Say the Jesus Prayer -- "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner."  You can do this while you are waiting in line at the bank or while you are driving somewhere in the car. 

If you want to be more inclusionary, say, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners."

So that's it for today.  I think I answered my question about what to do with the blog.  I'll start with the places.  Then once I get the work of fiction closer to completion, maybe I'll get that started too. 

Thanks for sticking around.

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