Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, October 10, 2014

No Room for Lactose Intolerance

(Now and again when I click on "publish," the dumb thing doesn't publish.  And you don't get to view my post for that day either.  So this was supposed to be for Wednesday morning.  But I'll just go ahead and leave it as is -- you'll get the idea.)

My class reunion committee wind-up dinner was last night in Rocky River, just off Detroit Road.  Good thing my sister and I did a dry run over there because the Wine Bar was located behind a group of four houses on Linda Street.  I would never have found it.  Got a parking place and arrived early but then so did some of my other classmates. 

We had a great time.  The private room was lovely and quaint and there was a gas fireplace in it.  Now -- the menu.  See, the thing is, I'm a simple person.  I eat simple food and am very happy with it.  Apparently, that is not the case in the more highbrow Rocky River area.  For sandwiches, there were tuna sliders.  That might have been all right, but it was fresh tuna, pan seared and raw inside.  Nope, no can do.  Then there were turkey sliders.  I can make a turkey sandwich at home, so nope.  There were crab cake sliders.  Pass!!

If you just went with the raw tuna, the turkey or the crab, and took a dive into it, it might not be bad but the toppings were strange.  There were jalapenos on one of them, another had some kind of sauce I've heard of in magazines before but never tasted.

There was a wino burger but we read the ingredients three times and we couldn't figure out if there was any "burger" in it.  So I passed on that.  The wino burger also had as a topping some type of red oak.  At least that's what it sounded like to me.  No kidding.  Must be cutting edge (pun intended) because I can't find any reference to red oak.  Or maybe they served it on red oak.  And then they used a lot of cheese.  Here we go with the lactose intolerance again.

I'm just a country girl living in good old Canal Fulton and I don't eat strange foods.  Tonight we'll probably have something as different from what we usually eat and that is sausage, fresh spinach, sweet potato and something else topped with a fried egg.  Looked good to me in the magazine.

I know Italian cooking thanks to my wonderful brother-in-law but it is all very understandable.  That's what I wanted for dinner, I guess.  Something like what we had in the refrigerator at home -- lasagna.  So now maybe you are starting to get my drift and perhaps a little bit of an explanation as to why I don't hanker to go out to eat that often.

Maybe there is a reason why a lot of people these days have IBD -- irritable bowel disorder.  By the time they got done eating red oak and japapenos, no wonder their inners aren't happy!!

So that's my story for today.  However, I must add that my classmates are absolutely awesome people, all of whom have a lot of talent and kindness and compassion.  I love them all.  We plan on getting together again, so it won't be three years before I see them again.  The one woman is a widow and she really wants us to be able to get together.  She deserves that!

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