Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sticky Spot

Another sticky spot has emerged on the tile in the kitchen.  I have a rough idea as to where it is, but haven't done the necessary exploration to pin its location down yet. 

There was one a week or so ago and it drove me nuts.  It was obviously where the normal person walks ALL the time in the kitchen and then the sticky stuff would transfer to the bottom of my athletic shoes and make that squish-squash sound.  It took a while but that area was completely cleaned up -- until last night.

I'll get the flashlight out and shine it just so, and that should point out the problem.

Sticky spots appear in our lives too, those aggravating things that just jar every nerve in the body.  Sometimes it might be a "fault" in someone else with whom we spend considerable time.  Sometimes it are us!  And whatever the case may be, there is a tendency to do anything and everything to ferret it out and obliterate it once and for all.

When it is us with the problem, that's one thing.  When it's someone else and we try to obliterate, there is usually some push-back.  Obviously.  This is where a little cajoling and careful wording can be of utmost importance.  Sometimes it would behoove us to be quiet.

So, are you going along with this little exercise yet?  Thinking about those sticky spots in your life?  Identifying them would be first.  Habits become sticky spots after a while.  Like, I have this sticky spot where I open the cabinet door and grab this bag of "somethings" and eat some.  OK, I'll tell you.  Have you ever heard of Brookside's chocolates filled with either blueberry, raspberry, or pomegranate?  Don't buy any if you haven't tried them, because believe me, you will have a sticky spot in about two days' time.

So it's Thursday again, isn't it?  It's art day at my house.  It is also "go to Curves" day and right now, I'm just working on moving closer to leaving the house for that destination.  First Curves, then some breakfast as a reward.  The ladies there are fun and many have been going for years and years.  Curves apparently was sold and purchased as a stockholding company.  The Christian founder is no longer part of it.  That's probably why Jillian Michaels is paired up with Curves now. 

There is a life-sized cut-out of Jillian at the back of the Curves as a motivational piece for us, I suppose.  Jillian can do anything.  And she wants us to bring out our inner warrior.  She has these exercises that she encourages us to do in between using the machines.  Some of them are quite complex and require a degree of agility that is definitely admirable in the younger and more svelte Ms. Michaels. 

Oh well.  A person has to start somewhere in their search for fitness.  And besides, this is really important since I decided not to start using Fosamax.  Weight-bearing exercise will encourage bone growth as will some good fish oil stuff that I'm taking for my eyes. 

So -- with thinning bones in mind -- I'm going to leave you now and head over to Curves. 

Blackie, the cat, in case you were wondering, is still with us.  This outdoor feral cat is getting a bit more tame these days.  I think perhaps I will be able to touch him/her at some point.  Meanwhile, we have a lovely Styrofoam cooler with holes cut in it out front, with cozy blankets on the bottom.  Blackie is enjoying it at night now that the temperatures are going down.  And we bought him/her a new outdoor cat tent with heated bottom.  It should fit right into the Styrofoam cooler which will keep it clean and dry. 

See you tomorrow then.

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