Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Walked out and left my street shoes at Curves.  That's really not so bad, is it?  Hitched a ride into town to get them with the old man who lives at this address and drives a white truck.  His hair kind of matches the truck, come to think about it. 

A few snippets from a household that has cats.  When your cat is a little "under the weather," and of course, we know already that cats have staff, it's amazing what you will do to comfort the furry little creatures.

My cat, Sassy, is Siamese, an apple-headed Siamese.  What does that mean?  She does not have the skinny body, skinny elongated face, etc.  She has a full face and a nicely rotund body, honed from years of relaxing and lack of exercise.  Her choice.  She gets some when the grandchildren come over and she gets caught in the basement!  Oh, my yes.  Never saw a cat move up a set of stairs like Sassy does when kids come over here.

Well, I figured that Sassy needed to eat.  It's important.  Cats are one creature that without eating for a few days can actually DIE.  They just quit eating permanently.  She's been down this "I'm sick and not eating" road before and needed shots to get her going again.  This particular day she was doing one of her usual things -- she climbs under the Matelassé coverlet on our bed and gets herself as cozy as a cat can get.  Her head is pointed towards the point of exit.  Or I was hoping it was her head.

So I picked out a select grouping of her favorite cat treats and delivered them to her -- oui la -- a cat's breakfast in bed.

She made a little noise to let me know she was still alive and then beneath the covers, I could hear it for sure!  The sound of crunching.  Yep, she was definitely dining on the treats.  Once I knew she was eating, I knew that she was on the mend from her sneezers that she had the other day.  You've got to give me some credit -- didn't I train well?

So she now has her shots current, and her sneezers are gone and her eye is better.  Fred got his shots and his eye is better.  He's very concerned about an interloper on the property -- a dark tabby cat that is certainly male and certainly a predator.  Fred came to an arrangement with him over the spring/summer that he could have the backyard and Fred can have the front.  That agreement was reached after a couple of fights.  I HATE cat fights.

But the interloper doesn't respect the terms of the agreement and keeps encroaching.  Fred is aware of this and is hyper-vigilant these days, especially since Blackie isn't around.  He's been looking for her, but as I mentioned, she was buried last weekend. 

The interloper is really afraid of people -- he runs even if all I do is open the sliding glass doors in the backyard.  So this might be good because I don't really want any more fighting around here.

Why don't we just keep Fred indoors?  Oh, yes, in theory it sounds good.  We did try.  It was a terrible experiment and didn't work out well at all.  Fred's temperament hit an all-time low and he was taking out his frustrations on everyone. It was most unpleasant.  So the logical thing was to allow Fred to be the cat he came as -- an indoor-outdoor cat.  That costs at least $20 a month for flea treatments, but he is in a much better mood.

Well, have a good Saturday.  The last of the leaves are being removed as I speak.  The "old guy" doesn't do too bad and I kind of like him.

Take care, friends.

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