Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ben Carson

Have you ever heard of Ben Carson?  He is definitely a person who is worth getting to know something about.  There is going to be an ABC special paid broadcast of a new documentary -- Ben Carson:  A Breath of Fresh Air.

Ben grew up in a city environment where a lot of the kids in his neighborhood were getting into troubles of all sorts.  Ben's mother wanted more for her two sons and so she set down some rules.  Only one hour of TV per day.  And after school, homework, reading, or going to the library.  The boys thrived in the library and both excelled in school.

You may know Ben Carson as the brilliant surgeon who became Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the famous Johns Hopkins.  One of his specific skills was in separating Siamese twins.

A movie was made about the life of Ben Carson and my husband and I were lucky enough to come across it one night on TV.  At one critical juncture in Carson's when his temper flared up against a kid on the streets, he chose to try and stab him.  One might say that God intervened that day because the boy's belt buckle prevented the knife blade from puncturing the skin and preserved Carson's spotless record.  It was a lesson that he never forgot. 

Carson is affable, interesting, and very conservative.  He also has that rare quality that everyone admires -- common sense.  He also has a sense of humor and he NEVER loses his cool.

He does not want to run for president, but as he stated recently, there are those who are "clamoring" for him to do so.  And he just might decide to enter into the 2016 race as a Republican candidate for President of the United States.

Currently, Carson is working towards modifying and rectifying all of the errors that were made in creating the Affordable Care Act.  He has a political action committee that was formed for that purpose.  When you hear him talk about what could have been in this program and how it can be bettered, it gives a person hope that we can turn all of this mess around.

If we happen to be one of the 22 states where the documentary is being aired (we can't seem to find specific information right now), you should check it out.  This guy is the real deal.

Well, that's about it for today.  Got my license plates.  GIU3717.  So using one of my favorite tools for remembering things -- mnemonics -- I have come up with something that is a sure-fired way of spitting out my license #.  "Girl in underwear."  My husband is such a guy -- he says he will remember it too! 

Wrote to Toyota about the RAV4, not that it will do the least bit of good, but it made me feel better.  So lately I've been on a careful crusade to see if I can spot any other 2004 RAV4s out there.  So far in the past week or so, I have seen exactly ONE.  So my mechanic's suspicion that this was a fairly universal engineering flaw is holding water.  I used to see them all the time.

The sad thing is that for you or me, there is no way that we can know something like this going into a purchase.  Absolutely no way.  It's like a spin of the wheel of fortune.

I've been working on a project that is begging for my attention.  It involves an Irish angel.  So wait until you hear this -- I went to my holy hour at the chapel last Friday and I walked over to the bookcase to get a book.  Lying on top was a white/blue book, very inconsequential looking.  I didn't think it would amount to much but I opened it up and glanced at the page.

It was about an Irish woman who from an early age saw angels.  No kidding.  I know now that I've got to finish this project and take it much more seriously.  God wants me to write this!

We only have so many chances to bring hope to the world through our own actions, using our own talents or whatever we happen to have.  Use yours!!

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