Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


So apparently the people have spoken; they are not happy with the direction that the country has been taken. 

Now it is SO important for all of those who were elected to listen, to be active, and to engage in the process of leading.  It is important for them to have a clear idea of what voters were thinking when they cast their ballots.  It is important for them to stick to their values, their beliefs, their honesty.  And they all need our prayers.

This past year, and we're not over with it yet, has been a trying one.

I'm very concerned at this point about the president's announcement that he is going to do something major in terms of the illegal persons residing in the United States.  All this does is put out a blanket invitation for everyone who isn't happy where they are living to cross the border illegally and come here, waiting for their own stay to become legitimized.

There is a front door and my grandfather used it.  My husband's father used it.  Almost everyone I know could point to one relative or another and say that they came in the front door.

Times might be different, conditions might be different, but there is still a front door to gain access to the United States.  Our soldier Tahmooressi took a wrong turn and ended up at a Mexican checkpoint.  He was jailed for close to 300 days.  He was probably ill treated and possibly beaten.  So this is how Americans can be treated for an illegal entry; Tahmooressi had firearms with him.  Not against the law in the U.S. but against the law in Mexico.  Thank God he is out now and can get the psychological treatment that he needs for his PTSD.  Meanwhile, we are handling the situation of a porous border by not manning it well enough, a border that can give entry to people who have nothing but hatred and ill will for America.

If the president goes through with his plans, I think that it will cause a much greater divide in the U.S. on a variety of topics and will likely cripple his party for years to come, if not generations.  One thing for sure, only American citizens should be voting!  This appears to be a move designed expressively to gain votes, whether legal or illegal.  It's wrong for America. 

The best way to help people who are living in poor conditions is where they currently live.  The United States has been incredibly generous with foreign aid for a long, long time.  Countries expect it, and unfortunately much of the aid never reaches the people for whom it is intended.  I am one who thinks that either the money is used to alleviate suffering or no more money goes over there.  Otherwise we are just padding the pockets of people who don't care about their own poor and suffering and what kind of message does that send?

And talk about the environment?  Apparently the pathways taken by those seeking illegal entry into the country are littered with all sorts of refuse.  It is a terrible mess and who is going to clean that up?

Yep, it bothers me.  I am not insensitive to suffering, but there is a way to go about helping and opening up our southern border is not the way.

So I will be praying for those elected yesterday, that they  keep their promises and not succumb to Washington pressure.

Take care, and have a great Wednesday.  It's chilly but not raining at least.

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