Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

15 Minutes

My neighbor and I are going walking in 15 minutes, so this is going to be really fast today!! 

Have you enjoyed the nice temperatures the last few days?  It seems to be energizing people.  I saw kids out riding bikes and scooters yesterday and heard the sounds of children playing out in their yards.  Two little girls with long blond hair were running here and there, their hair streaming behind them.

15 Minutes ...

There is a lot we can do in 15 minutes.

  1. Call a friend and set up a time/date for coffee or a walk.
  2. Check your date book and see if there is someone who might enjoy a card.
  3. Update your facebook page, because I got two or three responses yesterday for posting some pictures from my granddaughter's BD party.  One was from Thailand.
  4. Sort through your summer tops and get rid of the ones that were too tight, too loose, or you never wore all of last season.  Give them to an organization that clothes the needy.
  5. Check your pantry and get rid of any food that is out of code.  It shouldn't take that long really.
  6. Walk outside and take a quick inventory of what you need to do this spring.
  7. Make a wish list of plants you'd like to buy or maybe you can swap with a friend or family member.
  8. Look through some old pictures and do a quick reminiscence (don't have time to spell check this).
  9. Play with your pets, or give them a nice brushing or combing.
  10. Think about all of the wonderful blessings you have received, and thank God for everything.  Everything that is good is from God!!!
Well, that didn't even take 15 minutes!  A quarter of an hour.  A snippet of time in the grand scheme of things.  Time is our gift.  We should not waste it.

Have a great day today!!  Prepare for Thursday's drop in temperatures.  It will feel like winter again.  Oh boy.

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