Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Father's Sermon

Father Kevin told us Sunday about a student in a friend's theology class -- an atheist who challenged him on every point, every fact.  He was a "pain in the neck," Father admitted, but pretty hard to forget too.

On the last day after class, Tom asked Father pointedly, "Father, do you think I'll ever find God."  And Father responded bluntly, "No, Tom, I don't."  Tom looked a little shocked by that.  Then Father called to him as he headed for the door, "Tom, I don't think you will find God, but I am absolutely sure that God will find you."

After a time passed, Father found out that Tom had graduated and he was very glad to hear that.  About six years after that, however, Father found out that Tom was gravely ill -- he had cancer in his lungs, spread there from a tumor in the groin that was removed.  And Father felt that he should contact Tom, but he didn't need to worry about that.  Tom contacted Father Kevin first.

Father Kevin and Tom had a very, very long talk, and Tom told him about his journey to God.  How he had looked for God but couldn't find Him, and how he indeed remembered Father's comment that day in the classroom.  He also remembered that Father told him about finding God in love.  Loving others leads to finding God, Father had said.  Or these are the best recollection I have of how Father put that phrase into words.

So Tom changed his approach and began to seek out the people he loved to tell them about it.   He told his own father that he loved him, and his father did two things he had never seen -- hugged him and cried.  How Tom started showing love to others.  And THAT is when he found God.  His life was transformed, and now at 24 he only had a short time to live. 

Father wanted Tom to come to his class and tell the students about his journey.  Tom wasn't sure he wanted to do it, but a few days later he called and said he had considered the invitation and would accept.

It was not to be.  Tom called Father and explained that his condition had worsened considerably and he wouldn't be able to come as he had hoped.  He would be going on a final journey soon.  And Father said he understood.

But Tom implored Father, "You've got to tell them.  You've got to tell everyone!!"  And Father promised that he would and he is keeping that promise -- to let everyone know about God and the wonderful, encompassing, compassionate, personal love that He has for each one of us.  Because this is what a personal relationship with God is all about.  It is one to one.  And then one to others.  Spread the good news!!  God is alive and among us.

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