Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, April 4, 2013

In the 50s today!!

You know how we have this tendency as humans to name things?  Of course, the obvious is our pets.  According to our vet, there are some pretty hilarious ones out there and some they can't repeat.  They used to do something like this when you took your pet to the vet's office and it was your turn-- "Puddin'Head Nelsen?"

Yes, that was our cat's name, and it seemed like a good choice until they said it OUT LOUD in the vet's office.  They don't do that anymore, probably a pretty good idea.

Years ago, I had a Chevy Nova that was a more or less medium shade of brown.  The car really grew on us, and it took us to many different places, such as Florida and Boston.  It was dubbed, "The Little Chestnut," by me.  When it was totaled in an accident, that was it.  No more car names!!

The upstairs computer was handmade by a former neighbor.  For that reason, she doesn't need a name like, "Dale Dell," or "Hannah HP."  She has no pedigree.  Therefore, just recently I've started referring to her as Carmen Computer.  If she likes it well enough, she might stop choking on large files and stop shutting down when she doesn't appreciate a video.  Carmen is getting a bit of an overhaul (and Windows 7), which should quicken her up a bit too.  She needs to be nimble and responsive so she can help me with this blog every day.

That's why today, without Carmen, I'm in the basement doing the blog.  The downstairs computer is much, much older.  I bought it with the guidance of one of the computer center folks at UA and it is a reconditioned Dell.  With one month to go on the warranty a good while back, both the mother board and the monitor failed, so Dell replaced them.  The Dell will be getting an overhaul too and a new system, since Windows XP is no longer going to be supported by Microsoft.

To have a name is to have an identity.  We are known by God, and like the sheep to the shepherd, we recognize His voice.  We learned how to love from God, and then we offer that love as best we can to other humans, and also to the creatures of the earth.  We have a social security number too, and our cars have VIN numbers.  Not the same as a name, is it?  Not even close.

Enjoy the 50s temperatures today, and just in case you want to go out and sniff the spring air, I left the picture of the skunk cabbage at the top.  I'll be back tomorrow, friends.  (But it's COLD down here!!)

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