Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Do you know one of the things that is great about life in a small town?  It's the way that people reach out to others.  It's their amazing gestures of kindness and concern.  It's their love.

I belong to a wonderful prayer group, coordinated by Julie Barkey.  We get regular postings from Julie all the time when she is contacted by those within and those outside the group who are asking for prayer either for themselves or for someone they love.

On Saturday evening after watching a impactful movie that I'll talk about tomorrow, I got a posting from Julie.  It's a little bit longer than my usual posting length, but it is worth the read.  Then I hope you will join with Julie's prayer group and ask for God's help for Charley.


I honestly felt like this child is an angel, in fact if he had wings I would not have been surprised!  He looked like one of Raphael’s Cherubim with his blond hair and his large eyes.  He was with a woman and man and teen aged girl but the couple seemed older to me so I am not sure if Charley was their child or an adopted child or what.  Charley was on a wheeled cot, small, and in the center aisle next to the man.   I assumed they had come for the healing service with Fr. Kevin.  They did hold him often as he cannot use his arms or legs, they are all twisted and bent and they don’t move.  
At the sign of peace I asked the woman what his name was and she said Charley and I asked if I could touch him for the sign of peace and she said yes.  He gave me this angelic smile.  After Mass they got up to leave and so I went up to the woman and asked if she wanted to stay for the healing service and she said she did not know about it – what was it.  I told her that our pastor has the gift of healing and often has a healing service after Mass.  She was hesitant but said she would ask her husband and meanwhile I ran out front to let Father know about them.  He came right in and spoke with them and they stayed for the healing prayers. (Fr asked me to stay and I grabbed Ruth from the folk group and another woman I know whose daughter is a missionary somewhere so there were three of us besides Charley and his family).  
During the prayers over Charlie he stared intently into Fr’s eyes and never moved.  What I noticed was he was 6 years old and such a peaceful child – no wiggling, complaining, etc.  Charley said the Our Father and the Hail Mary also by heart so he knows his prayers.  The woman and the man also let Fr. pray over them but the girl declined.  Then they left and I don’t even know their names!  They were the only ones there for healing and Ruth and the other woman and myself felt the presence of the Lord!  It was incredible and I have not been able to get Charley out of my mind.  Yesterday I asked Fr. Kevin who they were and he does not know – never saw them before.  We don’t believe they are parishioners but I feel the urge to seek them out. 
I need to know them and to get to know them.  Could you ask our prayer group if anyone knows them?   Honestly, it has affected me greatly.  I wanted to cry all during Mass but the Holy Spirit made me realize that Charley was not crying and that he was in fact smiling.  But it was hard to look at his little arms and legs and know he cannot walk, feed himself, play ball and all the other things we take for granted.  I don’t know what happened to make him this way or anything.  I am praying that our paths will cross again.  Tomorrow I will not be here for Mass and I will be wondering if they come back to our noon Mass! If you find out any information please let me know!


Please say prayers for Charley and pray that the kind lady who is looking for them can find them. 




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