Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, July 19, 2013

Who was it?

Okay, we have a little mystery around here, and we've been a little short on excitement so this is big.  The "fairy" garden that we put together about three weeks ago was ravaged!

All of the fairy furniture was tossed about.  The fairy was flung over the stone wall (a landscaping block), the moss planter was messed pretty good, and the plastic dogs and cats were all over the place.  I didn't even miss the fairy at first and for an instant it occurred to me that it had been taken.  Even the two little houses that were remnants of some solar lights were tossed about.  The bridge was knocked askew and the "water" which is made up of those little glass blobs people put in the bottom of vases was all over.

Our little breaking and entering crime has a very familiar look to it.  And all of the evidence points to either a masked bandit (raccoon), or the famous white streaked black creature (skunk).  The damage to the fairy garden was incidental to this crime.  The perpetrator wanted something to eat and probably went a little batty after it dug among the moss for a bit. 

Now I'm kind of rethinking the fairy garden, which I really like to refer to as an angel garden.  Perhaps Plan B needs to go into action before long.  Plan B is retrieving all of the purchased fairy stuff and cleaning it really good -- then bringing it all into the house for the winter into some kind of fairy dwelling that I'd have to make.  The bonus of this is that the grandchildren would have it to play with when they come over, and it would certainly help it last a little longer.

People seem to be drawn to miniatures, don't they?  Many years ago, a miniature version of the White House was being taken from city to city and we went to check it out.  It was absolutely amazing.  The way they did it, you could see into the rooms quite well to be able to appreciate the miniature lighting which worked and the miniature portraits of the presidents, not to mention the miniature area rugs.  It's just a priceless work of art.

In a miniature world, we get to control everything.  And under normal circumstances, when we place furniture somewhere or set the house in a certain place, for example, it stays there.  For the neat nuts, this is really awesome, because they just don't have that kind of control in their own house.

The thieves messed up my little fairy world outside, because apparently we share it.  Wowsers. 

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