Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Drawing a Blank

I have a vacant stare on my face as I stare at the screen this morning.  I'm slouching.  My brain cells are still enjoying their nightly rest.  Lots of topics are flashing in front of my eyes but nothing takes hold.  It's like the "circle of death" on the computer when you're waiting for something to load.

We didn't watch the news last night although I caught glimpses yesterday morning.  I haven't left the bedroom end of the house since I got up today, so there hasn't been any contact with media yet this morning.

In other words, reading friends, I'm drawing a blank.

Writers absolutely cringe in fear when anyone mentions the dreaded, "writer's block."  Usually, it occurs in the creation of a book or something else with length, and without warning no plot points come to mind, the characters are muddied and dulled, and the project begins to languish.  From what I've read, writer's block can go on for quite some time and must feel really awful for a person who makes their living off of the words that flow from their busy brain.

Here on this blog, none of us has to worry too much because I don't make a dime off of the blog.  You've probably noticed that there is no advertising.  Even if I sought it out, I'm not sure my readership is large enough to garner a company's support.  And I'm NOT whining here, not at all.

So maybe here's what I'll do.  I'll write some snippets of things that are floating around my head this morning and maybe one of them will take root:

  1. Was dismayed that the little girl disfigured by the pit bull attack and then shunned at a KFC is most probably a hoax.  If the money that people gave isn't used to help the little girl, then I'll be far more steamed.  But no matter how urgent a matter might seem, lying about it and besmirching the name of a business is no way to handle it.
  2. The Browns are coming to The University of Akron!!  Their usual intersquad game played each year has to be moved due to stadium renovations.  They picked UA.  It should be a terrific chance to see the Browns and visit a great athletic facility at the same time.
  3. Lots of prayers for the sick today -- remembering my sister, Bob Stopar, and Mary Tohill plus all of the people listed in Julie Barkey's prayer online prayer list.
  4. If you get sick of the usual breakfast fare, try raisin toast.  It's still so good and makes a nice change of pace for the day. 
  5. We're going to have one of those "stay inside and find something to do" rainy days today.  So just seek refuge inside and look out at the beautiful greenery that the rains have produced!  We are blessed for this rain and it will help our farmers grow good crops this year.  The corn crop is very important.
  6. I've heard the pros and the cons of doing something in Iraq and find the whole thing very disconcerting and frightening.  Especially for the Americans that got left behind in Baghdad.  We watched a World War II program the other night and it was really good because it explained everything.  As the events unfolded in old vintage newsreel footage, the narrator explained a number of different times that the Treaty of Versailles, signed after WWI, caused much of the unrest and hatred that spawned WWII.   It shows that the early post-war period is very, very important in determining the future -- just as we are now seeing in Iraq.
  7. A roof guy came to the house last night.  We have to get some shingles replaced from the storm damage caused by the top of a tree that fell alongside the end of the house and just missed breaking out windows.  The tree guys came and got the tree off the house and cleaned up nicely.  We also have to have the smoke stack guy come and fix the stack that takes smoke from the woodburner up and out.  All in all, it could have been WAY worse so we thank God for sparing us what some poor folks in Brunswick got.  One minute they're in their houses around dinner time and the next minute the bedroom they slept in the night before is open to the elements.  How terrifying!!  And everyone sees your interior decorating too!!
  8. I was thinking about the prayer that we say at Communion to ourselves, "We beseech thee, therefore help thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with they precious blood."  Then my mind flashed back to the scene from Mel Gibson's movie.   The unbelievable sacrifice of Jesus became so much more real to me this past Sunday.  Another one of those "leaps of faith" moments in a life.
Well, that's that.  I think I've covered most of the ground and ended up with a so-so posting, but one that is honest and tells the truth.  I just don't have much to say today.  I'm tired and concerned about my sister, and I also have a UTI so you probably know how that is.  I'll get my spark back, I promise.


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