Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Indigo Bunting

The last couple of years we've enjoyed the emergence of the Indigo Bunting, a bright blue bird with glistening feathers.  It's not hard to spot.

The Indigo Bunting likes to find seed on the ground, content to let other birds drop extras down his way.  At times I've seen two of them there so there is either a pair of them or maybe we've been lucky enough to build up some numbers.  That would be great!

Yesterday, the mother raccoon came calling and she was busily eating.  Above her on the rim of the feeder, a large bird was dumping seed out on top of her.  She had a really good thing going.  The other birds were being fairly shy around the raccoon, not really sure what to do with her presence.  The small Indigo Bunting (about the size of a sparrow) didn't mind at all.  She dropped down from the tree and made her way around the obstacle very nicely.  She was quite wary at first but realized quickly that the raccoon wasn't the least bit interested.  Good for her! 

Our feeder was a hive of activity yesterday.  There were cardinals, blue jays, squirrels in large numbers, chipmunks, the buntings, and others as well.  One little bird came and visited at the back porch.  Gracie, our youngest cat, went nuts.  Good thing the doors were all shut out there.  Her eats were back and she was in full attack mode.  She was alert from the top of her ears to the end of her tail.  The little bird just sat on one of the steps outside the porch and looked at her.  It went on for a ridiculous amount of time, to the point that I wondered if the bird had been injured, perhaps it had run into the window and stunned itself.

Even with me standing there, she didn't move.  Finally, something did spook her and she flew off in fine form.  I'm not sure Gracie's heart could have stood a whole day of that.

Life doesn't have to treat us to huge surprises to be interesting.  When we just slow down a little bit and take it in, that's when we often see amazing things. 


On another note, we DVRd the Tonight Show.  I'm not sure it was worthwhile.  I actually fell asleep during part of it.  The first part of the show left me cold, partly because I couldn't always understand what he was saying.  Gosh, I sound so OLD.  Either humor has changed or I have changed, or maybe both.  The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was really funny!  Hilariously funny!  Maybe a younger person could explain it to me.  Maybe younger persons just don't know what they missed.  We'll try one more time and then that's it for the DVRing. 

Have a wonderful day today -- good rain yesterday has made everything lush and green. 

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