Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Anna's Story- Part 11

(Anna Smithson is in Kentucky with her church's youth group.  The week is flying by and the home they are fixing is coming together well.  Anna has gotten to know Erin, one of the teens on the trip, a little better than the others.)

Part 11

Thursday, just two more days to go and it would be time to return home.  Anna had finished the kitchen painting and she started helping with some flooring which came in at the last minute – a local business decided to donate some laminate for the whole first floor.  It was a very generous gift for Mrs. Dunlap.  This lady must have done something very special to have gained the attention of a local business.  It was a very lovely rich brown stain that would really make Mrs. Dunlap’s home cozy and welcoming.

Erin and Anna had a chance to talk before dinner.  Anna had hoped for just such an opportunity.

 “So, Erin, I don’t mean to pry, but you were telling me about your dad.  He isn’t abusive, is he?” she asked.

 “No, he never hits.  He just hollers and carries on.  I know my mom and that’s one thing she would not put up with.  As it is, I know his behavior really gets on her nerves,” Erin explained.

 "Was he always like this?” Anna asked.

 “No, that’s the weird thing.  He started this about maybe a year ago.  It was just little things at first, and then it kept getting worse.  I’m not telling you that he was easy to get along with before, because he is incredibly bull-headed but this is different.  And now, as more time goes by I’m forgetting what my dad used to be like,” Erin continued.

“Does your dad see a doctor?” Anna asked.

“Are you kidding?  He hates doctors and I don’t remember one time when he did.  He doesn’t trust them at all, but if you ask me, he’s afraid,” Erin said.

“Hmmm.  Makes me wonder if there isn’t some physical reason for your dad’s behavior,” Erin said.

“Me too,” Erin said.

They continued working, and another day passed in Kentucky.  Mrs. Dunlap’s house was starting to take shape.  The roof looked wonderful, and the boys started on her front porch area, cleaning and painting.  Each night before they all went to bed, they sang songs and thanked God for another successful day.  They asked for help for the next day, and for all of those who they loved.  Anna thought of Erin’s father, and she prayed for him too.  She prayed for her mother; what was heaven like?
A thought passed through her mind … wonder what was happening at her mother’s house; she needed to stop referring to it as her mother’s house.  It was becoming more and more her house, and she wasn’t even there to see.






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