Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Here We Go

Report on the vet visit yesterday -- good news.  The vet was very pleasant and helped us get Sassy back into form.  She was not in dire straits this time, so she did well and recovered very fast.  She's back to her old self today, begging for treats.

Did not go to my class reunion meeting as I had planned.  One of the things that comes with age is the awareness of when enough is enough.  Once we found out about Sassy's problem, then the vet visit, and I already knew I was picking Ella up from the bus stop at 3:30, there wasn't going to be much time for washing my hair, changing clothes, getting some gas for the car, and hurrying to Fairview Park by 6:30 p.m.  So I missed it.

Next time, for sure, I am going.  And I'll stay overnight at my sister's house not that far away, so that means no driving at night.  And that, my friends, is a good thing!!  With so many of us retired, I'm thinking that maybe our coordinator can set the meetings a little earlier, like maybe 4:30 and then everyone can go to dinner after if that's what they want.  This reunion is the big one -- 50 years.  So it needs to be really good and well planned.

So I haven't provided another episode of Anna's Story, but she's been thinking a lot.  There's nothing like a visit from an old boyfriend to throw the mind into chaos.  Happens to a lot of people.  In fact, yesterday morning, our cat having constipation threw my mind into chaos!!  Doesn't take much for me. 

But as my sister and I were talking about the other day -- time goes by whether you are having a good time or a bad time.  So it's an equal opportunity clock.  You can't slow it down to cherish a great day but you can't make it go faster when things are going wrong either.  Time is just time, that's all.

Thought you'd like this little snippet from my grandson.  I've been telling him about God lately.  He's five so you have to go a little slow -- like God is in heaven and heaven is way, way up in the sky.  He liked that one.  So he asked me the other day, "What was that name about up in the sky?"  I said, "God," and he said, "Yep, that's it."  Sitting in the front seat of my car, waiting for his bus, he then said very seriously, "I wish I could see Him."

Thank you, readers, for sticking with me.  We are now almost nine months into this blog.  Didn't time go fast?  Bless you today, as you go about your life's journey.

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