Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Anna's Story - Part 14

(I thank you for sticking with the blog on the story, but I do think we've lost a few of the faithful.  Don't worry; we don't have much longer to go.  Anna is home and has already made significant changes in her life, with more to come.  Anna has chosen to do one very important thing -- remain open to what God has for her in this life.  She is his vessel.)

Part 14

Walking into work on Monday, Anna was happy to see her co-workers but her whole world and outlook had changed in two weeks.  She wasn’t the same Anna anymore, and there was a frightening side to it.  There was this movie she had seen and the character said, “I hate in-betweens; it scares me.”  Anna was in between for sure.  She was caught somewhere between Kentucky and Ohio.

Although the week went fast, her resolve intensified as she started the CPA review class and then signed up to take the four-part CPA test at its conclusion. 

Someone had gathered up all of the photos taken in Kentucky and put them together.  When Anna saw the teens and the adults she had come to know so well in just a week, she missed what she had been doing.  In the corporate world, work is not rewarded in that way.  It may never be rewarded, and she wasn’t thinking about money either.  She was thinking about the intangibles.

Anna was exhausted each evening after the review, partly because she put everything into it.  She did all of her homework and showed up for class early to go over it.  She found it interesting for the most part, especially when she considered what might be at stake.

The house was just about done.  John was putting on the finishing touches and she would be ready to move in in just a couple of weeks.  She set things up with a moving company to come get all of her boxes because some of them contained books and they were very heavy.  Plus, she didn’t live on the ground floor either.  Anna had been able to squeeze in a little time at the house to start getting the place organized.  She was really excited to see the new furniture delivered to the house. 

Mrs. Licci called her one evening to update her about Erin’s dad.

“Anna, I just wanted to let you know that Erin’s dad is doing all right.  They found a growth in his brain and they are going to use the gamma knife on him.  I guess it appears not to have spread but it is fairly large and they don’t really want to open him up if they can avoid it.  He’s getting some heavy duty meds for the pain, and Erin tells me that it’s almost like having her ‘old’ dad back again,” Mrs. Licci said.

“Good, so glad to hear about it.  I’ve been praying for him and for Erin and her mother.  Erin had seen a change in behavior, but I think a tumor was about the last thing on her mind,” Anna said.

“He’s pretty young too, so the doctors are hopeful.  I’ll give you a buzz if anything else comes up.  How are you doing with the CPA course?” Mrs. Licci asked.

“Not bad.  It’s intense, but it’s been a good many years since I’ve taken any accounting classes too, so that’s part of it.  But thanks for asking.  Call soon, okay? Anna said.

“Will do.”



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