Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Another Delay -- So Sorry

I went walking this morning, but that was already after we noticed that our cat is having some problems again.  She's backed up.  So we'll be off to the vet's office in a little bit, that is, after we catch her.  She's a hider, you know, one of those cats who senses things and reacts very well.  At times we've had a whole house chase going on, even down into the basement, because we weren't intelligent enough to close the door.

Her problems this time are our fault for not regularly giving her the Laxatone that she needs about twice a week.  She's a sweet little thing, and I hate that she doesn't feel good.  We've got the rugs out of the bathroom and everything is in readiness for her return to the house.  It's never too pretty and definitely not very good smelling.

Thank goodness for air freshener.

So think about me this morning, when the vet chews us out, like he did the last time.  And he's pretty nasty too.  We are in for a change but I can't be doing the changing today when the cat needs help.  Simple as that.

Bye for now.  Talk to you tomorrow.  Pray for America.  I think she needs it.

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