Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm an Idiot

Really got into fall this morning.  Took a walk, cleaned out my closet, and did a bunch of other menial tasks -- and FORGOT to write the blog!

Can you believe that?

Well, here it goes for today.  No Anna's Story.  Just some thoughts of current events and other mish-mash pingponging around in my brain.  I'm just not in the mood for Anna's Story today, I guess.

Here's one thing that really has me a little concerned.  Apparently, all of those weapons that went missing in Bengazi were much more technologically advanced that anyone knew, and there were more of them.  And of course, who do you think stole them?  Yep, the bad guys.

So why are we taking weapons of that complexity and importance to a country that is basically lawless and out of control?  Why take anything somewhere that you can't properly guard it?  I might as well drive my car into the heart of Akron's gang land and leave the keys in it, don't you think?  It's a little bit of the same thing here.  If I did leave my keys in the car in a crime ridden area, anyone who found out about it would probably say, "She's nuts."  And I'd have to agree.

Well, who is minding the store then in the military?  Someone made a huge miscalculation and now we have seriously dangerous weapons in the hands of people who hate us and everything about us.
To say I'm disappointed is far too kind.  I'm ticked off.  Apparently, Fox News has just released this story today.  We were given hints that weaponry was stolen over there, and we also got the idea that the reason why the CIA was over in Bengazi was to try and find out where the weapons went.  At least that was my basic understanding of the situation.  When the consulate was attacked, three of the CIA personnel came to the aid of Ambassador Stevens.  And all four of them died.

Somehow we've got to start getting it together.  The Navy Yard killing.  Fort Hood.  Bengazi.  Somehow the word "incompetence" starts sounding about right. 

While we are praying this week, let us remember to pray for our country.  For leaders that care about this nation and will guide us toward better decisions.

See you tomorrow at a more reasonable hour!!  I'll post at about 6:00 a.m.  We are going to do some eye screening in the Fairless School District.


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