Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Anna's Story - Part 31

Part 31


Anna talked to her boss at work for a while on Friday.  It always seems as though he had a sixth sense about things.  He wanted to know if she was happy in her job and satisfied with how things were going.  She felt torn but chose not to say anything to him about the impending change.


On Saturday Anna tackled the household chores with a vengeance.  She cleaned the kitchen floor, swept the whole house, did the inside windows and washed clothes.  She was tired but it was a good tired.  The whole time she thought about her life, where it had been, where it was going, and how sometimes she just felt a little overwhelmed by everything.  She wanted that peaceful feeling but sometimes it was fleeting. 


Sunday morning was cold and snowy.  She wore boots to try and keep her feet warm, and headed off to church.  She loved having a garage.  It was such a luxury after living in the apartment for so long.  Anna sat in her regular pew, and was aware that someone had sat down next to her.


“Hello, Anna.”  It was John.


“Oh, my gosh.  You scared me,” Anna said.  “I thought you liked to sit at the back.”


“Katie and I thought we’d come see you today instead,” he said. 


Katie held her arms out to Anna and she held the little girl whose blond curls were tousled about her face.  Both Anna and Katie were getting warm in their heavy winter coats, so Anna sat down and helped Katie out of hers and then took her coat off as well.  Katie wanted to stand on the kneeler and pretend that she was reading the missal.  John smiled at the little girl trying to be big so soon.   After Communion, Katie did not want to return to the pew and said so, so John took her in the back of church for the conclusion.  Anna remained in her seat, asking God to help her find peace, to know his will in her life. 


The donut store’s windows were steamed up as Anna, Katie and John sat in their usual spot.  Anna tried a custard-filled donut and it was just delicious.  Katie, of course, has her usual chocolate.  And John had two maple cream sticks.  He was rather quiet.


“John, are you okay?” Anna asked.  “You don’t seem yourself today.”


“Oh, I’m all right.  Just really tired, I guess.  It was a tough week at work and the cold weather really zaps me.  Plus Katie was up two or three times last night having bad dreams,” he said.


“Oh, my goodness.  You must be exhausted.  Well, let’s go and get home where we can get warm and cozy then,” she said.


“Why don’t you come over to my house?  Would you mind a lot?  Maybe I could just squeeze in a quick nap … just for an hour or so?” he asked politely.


“I guess I could do that.  Let’s get my car from church first though, okay.  I’ll follow you to your house and that way I can just head home afterwards,” she said.


John’s house was clean but definitely a house where a child lived.  Katie’s toys were all over and the little girl seemed happy to shed her winter coat and start playing.  John excused himself and went upstairs for his nap.  Anna put on the TV and watched the Browns game, while playing with Katie at the same time. 


After a while, Anna sat down on the couch, tired herself, and Katie climbed up and sat with her.  Pretty soon she had her head down on Anna’s lap and Anna was stroking her back.  It wasn’t long before Katie was out like a light and Anna covered her up with a baby blanket that was lying there.  John came down about an hour later and found the two of them sleeping.  He sat down on the chair by the TV and watched the game. 


Anna woke up and was confused at first.  Where was she?  She sat up, looked around, and got her bearings.  Said hello to John who laughed at her.  Katie woke up at just about the same time, and Anna took her to change her diaper.  


“Well, John, I think I’m going to head home now, okay?” Anna said.


“I wasn’t much company but I feel a lot better for having that nap.  Thank you so much.  I owe you,” John said.


“Not at all.  Glad to help.  Katie, bye-bye now.  I’ll see you soon,” Anna said, waving as she pulled on her coat and grabbed her purse, keys and gloves.


Anna thought how nice it was that she and John were so much more relaxed with each other.  There was no pretense, but she still had that big target on her back.  The one that said she just didn’t measure up to the “good” Catholic that she should have been.  The one that showed how disappointed her mother was with her.  That target.


Work and a meeting with Mr. Collins in the morning.



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