Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Monday, October 28, 2013

The MIracle

In my little neighborhood, one gentleman was dealing with a serious eye problem.  It was serious enough that concerned neighbors of his were praying for him. 

One neighbor in particular is a woman with much holiness.  She believes strongly in the Lord, she prays often, and she hosts neighbors at teas at her house about once a month.  These teas are a way to bring others to God, and they have done that. When you talk to this woman, she listens intently.  She has such compassion, and she has absolutely no judgmental ways about her.  It doesn't matter what church you attend, or who your pastor is, or anything else.  Her first reaction is prayer.  She is very, very open to God and she knows the Word.

The neighbor already had a date for the eye surgery and was just waiting to go in and have it taken care of.  But the night before the procedure, he had a "dream."  He dreamed that a hand came down from above, and he believed it to be God's hand, and the hand touched his diseased eye.

When he woke up in the morning, the eye was very teary but he didn't think much of it, and he went in for the appointment as scheduled.  Before the surgery was to start, they did one more scan of the eye to be sure what they were going to do.

They didn't need to do anything!  His eye is completely normal.  Cured.  And so in our little neck of the woods, the laws of nature were reversed and God intervened for this man.  And the man knows who cured him, and he is so appreciative.

This recent happening calls to mind some of the miracles recorded in the Bible.  In at least two instances when Jesus healed someone, he said, "Your faith has SAVED you."  He didn't say "healed."  Thus, what Jesus did for these people was far more powerful that a physical healing.  They were told that day that they were going to heaven when their time came. 

The woman with the hemorrhages went to where she knew Jesus would be that day.  She had already heard about this man who could heal the sick.  She only wanted to touch the hem of his garment, and she did that believing that she also would be healed.  She was content to remain anonymous, but Jesus immediately knew that something had happened.  He asked, "Who has touched me?"  Our priest notes that at this moment the woman had a choice.  Slink away quietly or admit to Jesus that she was the one who touched him.  She chose to make herself known to God.

Each day we are given many opportunities for prayer.  Father Amadeus yesterday said that the way the tax collector prayed was true prayer, "I am a sinner in need of your mercy."  We need not waste our time comparing ourselves to others as a way of rationalizing our sinfulness.  We have need for God in our lives.  My neighbor found out something important and amazing.  God is with us.  The more his story is told, perhaps more people will turn toward their Lord, sinners in need of mercy.

May God bless you abundantly in everything you do.

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