Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anna's Story - Part 33

Part 33


After the kiss, Katie was in shock.  The two of them had never been that close together before; the closest had been the time that she took Katie from his arms in the drugstore.  Then John hugged her again.  It was like a floodgate was opened and John was suddenly smiling and full of life.


“I’ve got an idea.  Let’s go somewhere.  What do you say?” John said.


“Go somewhere?” Anna said.  His choice of words sounded a smidge like a bar pick-up line.


“Well, like maybe walk around at the mall for a while, just to get out of the house and stretch the legs,” he suggested.


“Oh, sure.  That sounds great,” Anna answered.


They left Anna’s car behind and headed to the mall.  As they walked from store to store, John would point at various things he liked or didn’t like.  He was quite an observer of women’s clothing it turned out.  They went into one of the anchor stores and headed up the escalator.  John reached out for Anna’s hand as they got to the top.  He held onto it as they strolled around the racks of clothing.


“This sweater matches your eyes,” John said smiling at her.


In the men’s department, Anna found a man’s winter jacket on sale. 


“John, this would be so warm!  And the color is really nice.  Look at the lining; it’s plaid,” Anna said.


“That is a good deal.  I wouldn’t wear it to work, because everything gets so torn up.  Let’s think about it,” he said.


After leaving the department store, John and Anna went to the food court.  It was around 1:00 already and John noticed a place that served chicken sandwiches.  The smell was absolutely tantalizing.


“Let’s get a chicken sandwich, okay?  These look so good,” John said.


“Okay, I could go for one,” Anna answered.


They both got a fried chicken patty on a sesame bun with cheese, green pepper and grilled onions.  They split an order of fries.


John walked over to another place and got them some coffee.


“John, this is such a nice treat,” Anna said.  “Thank you so much.”


“You know, we’ve never really been on a date before, but today I would really like to consider this our first.  That okay with you?” he said.


“Yes, that’s okay with me,” Anna said.


“Anna, I would imagine that by now you know I have feelings for you,” John said.


“I got a hint or two this morning,” Anna said laughing.


“I’m a little out of practice,” John said.


“Look, I haven’t exactly been avoiding you, but in a way I have.  There’s something that’s been bothering me for a long while now and I’ve just got to tell you.  You might just hate me, and I’ve been so afraid to say anything,” Anna said, her face flushed red.


“What is it?” John said.


“When I was 20, I met someone and I thought he was the one for me.  My mother was so upset with me, because he moved in with me and we lived together for about eight years,” Anna blurted out.


“I was wondering when you were going to get around to mentioning that.  I figured if you really wanted me to know, you’d say something,” John said.


“You knew … you knew all this time?” Anna said.


“I didn’t know back when I started working at your house.  I found out before Christmas,” John said.  “And Anna, it doesn’t make any difference to me.  I don’t think the less of you.”


Anna felt tears welling up in her eyes and she looked away from John.  He reached up and brushed a tear from her cheek.


“Look, I was married and you had a boyfriend.  We’re even.  We both have a past.  When I started working at your house, you were just another client, a good looking client, but just another client.  Then when you went to Kentucky, I just saw you in completely different eyes.  I was so amazed that you would do that,” John said.


“Really?  I didn’t have any idea,” Anna said.


“But it was just too soon for me.  I had to deal with some goodbyes to my wife in order to be fair to you,” he said.  “And you scared me.”


“Me?  Why would I scare you?” Anna said.


“The feelings.  The feelings scared me and the most I could muster was taking you for donuts.  That was a big step for me,” John said.  “But these last so many weeks with you gone so much and not being at Mass, I just started to realize how much you mean to me and how I had to stop hiding from things.”


“Funny.  I felt the same way,” Anna said. 


After their long, frank talk Anna felt like a weight was off of her shoulders.  She felt the best she had in months and months.  She felt happy and joyful. 


John held her hand again and they got in his car and then headed back to the church parking lot for her car.  Anna dreaded driving off and leaving him behind.  She knew now with certainty – she loved John Peters with all of her heart.


Before she got into her car, John held her tight and gave her a light kiss. 


“We’ve got some plans to make, Miss Smithson,” John told her from his car.

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