Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Little French Vanilla

Two of my grandchildren think that French Vanilla creamer is the best thing ever.  Yesterday, they were both off of school and I was watching them.  The conversation started right off with French Vanilla and it kept on going.

Ella and Drew like a small amount of coffee each morning.  And what do they like in their coffee?  Of course, French Vanilla.  Oh, sometimes it's cinnamon and once in a while caramel or some sort of combination, but the old, tried and true French Vanilla always returns.

Ella had some corn for lunch yesterday and she loves corn!  However, for some reason it just didn't meet the taste bud specifications and she told me she wanted French Vanilla in it.  Oh, you've got to be kidding, I thought, but went along with the request.  True to her word she ate every single kernel of corn with gusto.  Who am I to be the taste police? 

We watched a movie -- Beauty and the Beast.  I hadn't seen it in years and it is really very good, especially the music.  Can't you just hear "Be Our Guest," right now?  Very catchy little tune.  Drew watched it too, although he also spent some time watching another movie or two.  Their mom said that they were actually very bored from having six days off of school, and I could see some of that. 

So while I'm no gourmet, it would seem that French Vanilla adds to the palate and the taste of many fine foods. 

I'm switching subjects here, but it will all come together at the end.  We watched a show the other night about people who venture to a desserted area of the Bahamas where there are few hotels and no golf courses.  They go there to deep sea dive -- the kind of diving where they go on one breath as far as they can and come back up.  They swallow air before the dive and somehow the body is able to use that swallowed air.  At the very end, the diver has to go through a series of actions that shows they are still coherent.  If they can't, the dive isn't credited.  One lady was there to dive.  She said she does it to "find out what I'm made of."  Wow. 

That's a little sad.  One of the LAST places I would go to find out what I'm made of is the Bahamas to deep sea dive on one breath.  I can find out about myself with a couple of kids and some French Vanilla, doing the things that grandmas have done for generations.  I don't need the adrenalin highs that come from almost killing myself!! 

Our God who made us is the one who helps us know about ourselves, and we have only to ask and he will give us insights.  Insights about our patience or lack of it, insights about our attitudes, insights about our shortcomings, and insights about His glory and the heaven that awaits us.  The answers we seek about this life and its meaning are close by.  So let us pray.  "Prepare Ye the way of the Lord."

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