Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Monday, December 23, 2013


Can you remember what it was like when you were little and waiting for Christmas to come?  It felt like time was pulling a huge ball on a chain behind it.  Everything slowed down to a trickle and then finally it was time.

At our house, we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve.  So my grandfather and unmarried aunt would come over to celebrate but that was a little later.  Before that, around 5:00 p.m., my father would suggest that we take a ride to look at the lights.  We never said, "No, we'd rather wait around here and see Santa when he comes."  We dutifully climbed into the old sedan and off we went in search of fabulous lighting displays.  Once I think we went to Nela (not sure if I spelled that right) Park to see their display.

But we'd only be gone maybe an hour and then when we returned, surprise, surprise, surprise, Santa had come and all of the presents were under the tree.  We were just going crazy!

Of all of those Christmases, I can remember only a very few presents.  I remember a Tiny Tears doll, a battery operated doll clothes washing machine, a sewing machine, a baby doll cradle someone must have made, and that's about it.  What I can remember is family.  All of us gathered in the warm house, eating my mother's fabulous cookies, and spending time together.

In the days before Christmas, we used the tree to play "I Spy."  Here's how it went.  "I spy something red."  And then you'd have to point to an ornament that matched the description.  And maybe you were "hot" or maybe you were "cold."  It was fun.  Someone must have read us the old classic, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, because I can remember that well.

Now, going to bed after opening the presents wasn't easy.  We didn't want to go to bed, ever.  But we finally did, usually taking one toy up with us.  Then we'd wake up early, scamper down the stairs and start playing again until the dreaded words, "It's time to get ready for church."

But we all went and then afterwards, returned for a day of play and eating and visiting.  It was bliss!! 

Each one of us can only hope that we've given our own children enough memories so that they can recreate those feelings at Christmas too.

Have a most blessed and Merry Christmas, all of you.  Thanks for reading.  I'll be spending time with family, cooking, cleaning, and all of that stuff so I'll be back Thursday morning.

Take care.

Say a prayer for Tim Yingling.  He fell a good distance and shattered his elbow yesterday.  He's got little kids and his mom is a good friend of mine.

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