Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Yet another spokesperson on television was talking last night about the "disconnect" between people, despite all of the high-tech so-called communication devices.  Duh.  I don't suppose we needed someone to tell us that.  The proof is all over the place.

And honestly, I don't see where any of it seems to make people happier!  An article the other day said that people on Facebook were actually more unhappy.  Nothing beats spending time with real people in real time at a real place.

I guess that's when I have a bit of hankering for the "old days."  My sister had dinner with her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren a couple of weeks ago.  The grandchildren were either working on a tablet or checking the phone throughout.  While their mother was always a stickler for manners and good behavior, she didn't seem bothered by it whatsoever. 

Today's posting is part of what's been on my mind, but there was this great idea that flitted into my head the other night and it was SO GOOD that I wanted to beat a path to the basement and write it on the spot.  But I didn't, thinking that it would be so easy to remember.  And now I can't. I've tried.

The gist of it was that there was this project that was done, but it just wasn't perfect in any sense.  Yet, it was a worthwhile little thing, whatever it was.  Some would want it to be perfect and if it couldn't be improved, scrapped.  But for some reason, I liked it imperfect as it was.  It made me think of us humans, with all of our oddities, and yes, even with our so-called communication devices going through life without a compass.  It made me think about how God sees us raw and unrefined and somehow He still loves us. 

It made me think that God loved us enough that He would allow his son to come and be among us, be one with us. 

Our world at times seems so complex and unexplainable, but on a very deep level, at the very core where the molten lava burns unceasingly, there is something that every human being needs -- love.  It's the universal song of our souls. 

On my mantle are three special things that are ALWAYS there when I decorate.  One is a project that one of the boys made in school.  The other two are cards made with seed pods and inside written in small boy printing are those wonderful words that no parent can ever hear often enough -- "I love you."

Bless you as you start your preparations for Christmas.  Keep the love alive.

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