Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let It Snow

A soft snow is falling right now, and it's a GREAT day to stay in the house, bake some cookies, and finish up some craft projects, don't you think?

First order of business -- if you want to receive the blog messages when they are posted, go all the way to the bottom of the page and check out the "subscribe" information.  I don't know if it works yet, but I'm going to try it out myself.

Second, a continuation of the story about the six-year-old who kissed the girl's hand and got in trouble.  I figured I'd ask my granddaughter when she came over after school yesterday just what she would do.  The exchange went as follows:

Me: So what if a boy from your class really liked you and he leaned over and kissed your hand.  Would that bother you?

Lauren:  (she shrugged)  No, not really.  That's what (I'm changing names here) Billy did to Susie.  And Susie is going crazy!

Me:  Why, because she's excited that Billy kissed her hand?

Lauren:  Yes.  But they said they weren't going to kiss on the mouth!!

Meanwhile, apparently there was some kind of disruption during lunch and two kids got in trouble for messing around with the mistletoe.  They weren't messing around UNDER the mistletoe, just being curious. 

So that takes care of that.  I can see that Lauren can easily take care of herself and she rolls with things. 

Third, we saw a really corny movie last night on Lifetime but the best part was that a jealous, greedy woman who was supposed to increase sales at an iconic department store got fired.  She brought in guys that looked somewhat like Chippendales and awful music, and pink Christmas trees.  And as they turned off her dancing male models, one of the stars of the show started singing "Noel" I think it was!  My husband who'd sat through the whole thing without much grumbling said that the last song was worth it.  I agree. 

(I read the sentence above and see that I neglected to say, she turned off the monitors showing the dancing male models.)  Told you, I can't fix anything on the postings. 

Enjoy a cozy day at home if you can!!

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