Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Beauty Shop

If you want the "what's up" in the world, just go to the beauty shop.  You get to hear about everything.

On Tuesday, there was a lot of speculation about what happened to the Malaysian Boeing 777.  Everyone has an opinion on it.  I guess the American press has kind of let it slide because it isn't in a prominent position on the online news services today.  One thing that was interesting -- a poll showed that Americans were not thinking that terrorism was the cause of the crash. 

Another thing that I found out at the beauty shop was that Entenmann's makes a great raspberry chocolate cookie at this time of year.  It is so good that apparently the nail lady's husband bought three boxes and froze two for later.  My beautician bought one box on Friday and it was gone by Sunday morning.  She liked them so much she tried to keep it a secret from everyone else in the family for a while, but then felt a little guilty and shared.

Let's see -- what else?  My beautician (they are actually counselors in disguise) told me that I should look upon selling our house and moving to a new one as an adventure.  That I should scout out the entire area and decide on just what territory would be okay.  She mentioned that no matter how nice the house is, if it's in the wrong place, it won't work out well.  She also told me about a small allotment off of Arlington that I didn't know existed.  She had a friend that used to live back in there.

Good advice!!

She told me a beautiful story about when her sons were little.  She was at the mall with them and on the spur of the moment, decided to take them to see "Beauty and the Beast."  This was when it first came out.  Her older son was about five and the baby was still drinking from a bottle.  She took them into the theater and then wondered if they'd ever be able to sit still.  At the start of the movie, Belle comes out of her house and sings this song.  Linda looked over at her boys.  They were both sitting up straight and staring at the screen with their mouths hanging open.  After the song ended, she asked them, "Do you like it?"  Her older son said, "She's so beautiful."  And the baby said, "Yaaaaa."  It was for her one of those "hold it in your heart" memories.

Since we are all waiting for spring, the quote for today is just right.

Our Lenten quote for today is:

There is no such thing as bad weather. All weather is good because it is God’s. - Saint Teresa of Avila

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