Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bits of Yarn

Okay -- as Lucy Arnaz always used to say, "You've got some splainin' to do."  Thursday I was under the weather.  Decent excuse there.  Friday I messed up and forgot to activate the blog posting for that day.  So here we are on Saturday!!  Wow.  I'm so sorry, dear friends. 

From all of my crocheting projects, I accumulate small lengths of yarn.  Most of the time they go into the trash can, but a tip from a magazine got me saving some of them in a drawer in the hutch.  There is quite a pile.

I'll put them out when the weather settles down and birds are singing, indicating that it's time for nest making.  The birds apparently spot them just as they spot other nesting materials, and help themselves.

I picture birds carrying dark purple yarn up into the trees, or maybe some beautiful yellow baby yarn lining a nest, or maybe a dark blue leftover from an afghan cradling baby robins.  It will be a neat thing to try and maybe it will become a yearly tradition. 

We have squirrels and chipmunks all around too, so maybe some of them will also make use of the yarn for their own burrows and nests.

As the yarn goes here and there, it reminds me of how we send out our love.  As we show our love for others, and they venture out from our presence, the love goes here and there, sticks here and there, and is given again here and there.  And the yarn reminds me also of the love of God, showered down upon us, and some of us receive it with gladness and some of us reject it.  But the love keeps coming, unabated.

I've got to find just the right dish to put the yarn in.  The birds have to be able to see it.  It would be nice, also, if it didn't get wet from the spring rains.  It seems to me that somewhere near the bird feeder might be best.

Now it's time for our daily Lenten quote:

“The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them.” -St. John of the Cross

To me this means that everything we do, we should try so hard to do with love, charity, understanding, compassion, and joy.  For indeed, as we go through life whether working in our homes to make them brighter, cleaner, or working at our jobs, doing our best to fulfill our responsibilities, we work as though we work for God.

So let's go out there and spread some love today!!  If you know anyone who knits or crochets, pass along the idea of sharing the leftover bits with the birds.

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