Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Start of Lent

Well, here we are, at a date we thought so far away at Christmas -- the beginning of Lent.

An article in a Catholic magazine talked about what we should do for Lent.  They scoffed somewhat at the thought of giving up candy or pop or sweets, writing that these things are really of little consequence.

The writer pushed the readers to consider more life changing kinds of things this Lent.  The call to more prayer.  The call to participation in the Christian life.  The call to do for others.  Lent is a word derived from a verb.  Therefore, Lent is really meant to be stated, "to lent." 

We are supposed to be active during Lent, stretching out beyond our comfort zone to do the work of the Lord.  The stage we set during Lent should then continue because when we have successfully gone through Lent and celebrated Easter, what we have learned about ourselves and others should continue to guide us and the things we do. 

I'm off this morning to do eye screening in Navarre at a preschool.  The Lions are doing good work.  Let me tell you a brief story from the weekend at Community Day at Northwest High School.  One woman brought her daughter by the Lions eye screening area and said that the eye doctor who saw her little daughter was overjoyed that the testing she got revealed a problem that is correctible!!  Because of the early diagnosis of her eye problem at only 18 months of age, she will not need surgery.  And her little sibling was tested and shows signs of the same thing.  Two children who will be able to see well and without surgery.  What a triumph.  The new camera the Lions bought is making a difference, is changing lives.  One young girl wasn't wearing her contact lenses, and much to her mother's approval, the Lions told the girl that she was only hurting herself by not wearing them.

Isn't it wonderful when we can do some good in this world? 

And you keep up your good work, because I know most of the readers of the blog and you are involved and helping.  For each day starting tomorrow, we will begin with a quote from the Bible -- something inspiring, profound.

Take care.

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