Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Art Class

I'm going to an art class at 10:30 a.m. today, so I thought I'd better get this written.

We are going to Exploration Gateway, part of Stark Parks.  The class is all about drawing and we were not asked to bring any materials.  They called my friend who is also going, but I didn't get a call so now I'm wondering if they don't know I'm coming (because of some kind of error).  Images of only six pencils and there are seven students, not enough paper, no erasers, etc.

They told her to bring a blanket.  I'm 67.  The thought of sitting on a blanket and trying to draw isn't a pleasant one.  Do they happen to have a crane on the property?  Because after I sit for three hours on the ground drawing, I'm going to need one.

And what about bugs?  We are going into the woods, I think.  So we've decided to bring some bug stuff too.  AND some folding chairs for the old backs and butts.

In addition, apparently there is a wedding out there.  So I sure hope the bathrooms are operational just in case.  I hate that feeling of being stranded without facilities!!

So we already have a few doubts about this thing we signed up to do.  But we'll forge ahead and give it a good old American try.  My friend says, "We can always leave early." 

That might just work out too.

I know, I know.  This is a wonderful opportunity to go out into nature and expand our horizons.  To become one with the beauty of God's creation.  To smell the smell of fresh greenery.  To put pencil to paper and let the mind go free.

I'll try; I promise.  And don't give me the old Yoda wisdom either that's already floating in my head, "There is no try; only do."

Well, when I get home at around 1:15 or so, I'll have some stories to write about in the blog.  I just feel it coming.

By the way, my sister is having a real tough time of it.  They moved her yesterday afternoon to Lakewood Hospital acute rehab.  She has a room to herself which is lucky.  But she is very irritable and upset.  She had herself worked into an upset stomach about the ambulance ride, fearing she would get carsick.  She already said the nurse isn't any good and the bed is awful.  My niece is just about spent and my nephew isn't far behind.  Please pray for her to have some inner peace, because this behavior is not typical of my sister who is usually much more worried about others rather than herself.

When I was looking up anxiety tonight to try and understand what is going on with her, I happened upon an article about PTSD in the elderly after a fall.  It surprised me.  Apparently, a fair number of elderly patients who had fallen develop similar ymptoms to those of our young men who experienced war.  There are some identifiable symptoms but I don't know if there is anything that helps.  They did give my sister some Xanax to try and calm her down about 15 minutes before the ambulance ride.  I hope she slept well last night, because that's been the other real problem.  I think she has a bad case of homesickness too.

The doctor says she is going to work hard today in rehab.  They have to be pretty tough on them because these patients need to get up, get independent again, and get home.  He says 1-3 weeks and that's it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for your sister and her family...

Betty Carty